Iowa Old Press

The Britt News-Tribune
January 7, 1925

Mr. and Mrs. (unreadable first name) D. Welty were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Caldwell, New Year’s Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Schubert, of Waverly, Iowa, came to attend the funeral of Henry Schubert last week.  While here they visited with Mrs. Schubert’s sister and family, Mrs. Lee Matthew.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horecka and Dorothy and Donald were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Jakoubek, New Year’s Day.

E. A. Fisher left Monday evening for Granville, Illinois, to visit his mother and sister who live there.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schubert and family visited at the Howard Schaper home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meleney and children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meloney were dinner guests at the Will Jakoubek home.

Mrs. R. S. Baker and son Lowell returned home Friday evening from Blue Earth, Minn., where they had spent the holidays with Mrs. Baker’s parents.  Mrs. Baker’s sister, Miss Caroline Meyers, returned to Britt with them for a visit at the Baker home.

Mr. and Mrs. August Schunth visited at the home of Lee Matthews and family, New Year’s Eve. 

Frank Frie called at the Wm Jakoubek home Monday.

Freank and Linus Fisher left Monday morning in Frank’s Ford roadster for Kansas City, Mo., where they will attend the Sweeney auto school.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Bode and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Fred Reitter home.

C. L. Eisemann and W. H. C. Schubert were business callers at Mason City, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. N. Burgardt. 

We desire to thank those who sent floral offerings and all who extended floral offerings, the choir, and all who extended assistance and sympathy during our late bereavement in the loss of our husband and father.
~Mrs. Henry Schubert
~W. H. C. Schubert and family  
~Miss Emilie Schubert
~Ernest Schubert and family.

CARD OF THANKS.           
We wish to extend our thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kind assistance during the illness and death of our mother, also for the many beautiful floral offerings.
~Wm. J. Burdick
~Mrs. Frank Thomas and Family  
~Mrs. E. F. Bowker and Family  
~Mrs. Chas. McManus and Family.

The Britt News-Tribune
January 28, 1925

STATE OF IOWA, Hancock County,

That an instrument of writing purporting to the last Will and Testament of Henry Schubert deceased, dated August 20, 1920, having been this day filed, opened and read.  Monday, the 2nd day of March, 1925, is fixed for the hearing proof of same at the Court House in Garner, Iowa, before the District Court of said County for the Clerk of said Court; and at 11 o’clock A. M. of the day above mentioned, all persons interested are hereby notified and required to appear, and show cause, if any they have, why said instrument should not be probated and allowed as and for the last Will and Testament of said deceased.

Dated at Garner, Iowa, Jan. 27, 1925.
~Chris J. Johansen, Clerk of District Court.

[transcribed by LZ, Apr 2022]

Iowa Old Press