Iowa Old Press

Panora, Guthrie Co. Iowa
September 18, 1902

Mrs. G.C. Wells the Victim of a Gasoline Explosion at her home in Davenport

Last Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. G.W. Wells of Davenport, a former Panora woman was so badly burned by the explosion of gasoline that she died from the effects of her injuries Friday. Mrs. Wells was in an upstairs room in her house, cleaning furniture with gasoline, when an accidental lighting of a match ignited the gasoline and at once enveloped Mrs. Wells in flames. Finding that she was unable to put out the flames she leaped from the second story window. In her fall her left arm was broken in two places. A neighbor living near, rushed to Mrs. Wells' assistance, and put out the flames but not before she was badly burned. The burns on her body were so serious that death came Friday as a relief to her suffering. The remains were brought to Panora Saturday for burial. She was buried in the east cemetery which is on the farm where she was born. Amanda Frazier was born October 31, 1861. On January 7, 1885 occurred her marriage to Mr. G.C. Wells. Immediately they moved to Stuart, then to Ft. Madison, and later to Davenport, where Mr. Wells is employed in the government machine shops on the Rock Island. They have one child, a son twelve years old. Mrs. Wells is well known here in her childhood home and many of her friends and school mates of other days were present at the funeral. She was a woman who loved her home and took the greatest delight in an unobtrusive way of looking after the comfort and welfare of others.
The remains were accompanied from Davenport by her husband and son, her aged mother, who has made her home with her ever since her marriage, her sister, Mrs. Sarah Dygert of Davenport and two sons, Ward and Art Dygert and wife, and Mr. Wells' mother of Marissa IL, and brother of Des Moines. Mrs. Wells is a sister of Mrs. Hougham and George and William Frazier of this place. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. Irving Brown at the Presbyterian church, Sunday afternoon in the presence of a large throng of friends.

Iowa Old Press
Guthrie County