Iowa Old Press

Jefferson Bee
Jefferson, Greene Co.
April 17, 1918


Daniel Belangee was born near Cincinnati, Ohio, March 20, 1822, and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Annie Whitman, at Timberlake, S. D., April 12, 1918, aged 96 years and 22 days. In June of 1852 he was united in marriage to Angeline Bridges at Napoleon, Indiana, where he lived for many years. Ten children were born to this union, six of whom survive: William of Grand Junction, Mary of Carlisle, Iowa; Annie of Timberlake, S. D.; Grant of Alberta, Canada; Perry of Waterloo, IA; and Chas. of Omaha, Nebr. Mr. Belangee was a hale, hearty man, and for the past twenty-eight years he had devoted his entire time and energy to the care of his invalid wife who died December 14, 1916. After Mrs. Belangee's death Mr. Belangee felt his life work was over and spoke often of the time when God would call him home, and he could be re-united with his life- companion. He always spoke with the fullest confidence of his Home prepared by his Saviour Christ. In January of 1917 he accompanied his daughter to her home in South Dakota and there made his home until his death. The end came suddenly, he being confined to his bed twenty-four hours. He realized the end was near and said he was glad and ready to go. The funeral servcies were held from the Grand Junction M. E. church, of which deceased was a member, on Sunday afternoon, April 14, the pastor officiating. The body was laid to rest in the family lot in the city cemetery.

[transcribed by M.A.N., April 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Greene County