Iowa Old Press

name of paper unknown
Grand Junction, Greene Co. Iowa
April 1907

Thursday afternoon of last week a well planned surprise on Uncle Belt Crow in honor of his 69th birthday was enjoyed by many of his relatives, comrades, friends and neighbors. The plot was under the successful management of Mrs. Louise Chambers, Mrs. C. O. Ford and Mr. H. Upper who by the ade (sic) of several able Lieutenants from the ranks of the G. A. R. and friends made a glorious success of the well planned event. The committee on finance and presents commenced their work Wednesday and if any were missed it was because of the short time to prepare for the event. The liberal contributions by the numerous friends made the work easy.

Two o'clock was the hour set for the meeting at the home of Mrs. Chambers and Mr. Upper planned the novel idea of entertaining Mr. Crow by a clever deception, inviting him to accompany him for an inspection of the Goodwin Tile & Brick works near by. This ruse worked satisfactory and while Mr. Crow was busily and earnestly showing Mr. Upper this valuable and ever busy enterprise where numerous men are employed the year around, the guests took full possession of his home.

The day not being very pleasant for sightseeing Crow and Upper did not tarry long at the Tile works, And soon started on their return. When nearing the house Mrs. Crow opened the door and informed her husband that he was wanted at the telephone, he at once quickened his pace to answer the call, he proceeding through the kitchen with a firm and steady tread opened the front rooms, where the numerous guest had assembled. The surprise was complete, Mr. Crow forgot all about his telephone call and it required some time before he fully realized the true situation of affairs.

F. O. Vanpelt was pressed into service with his splendid graphophone and numerous records to entertain the guests, while many of the ladies soon got busy preparing for the accustomed feast. Large tables were soon prepared and well filled with good things to eat. After supper the pleasantest surprise awaited our Host and Hostess. They evidently thought little or nothing of what more their friends had up there (sic) sleeves and were commencing to enjoy the event when the committee announced the fact something new awaited the guests in the frount (sic) room where everyone gathered soon gathered.

Grandpa Martin was the center of attraction, who in his fatherly way addressed our Host and Hostess. In one hand he held a large bundle which he in a few well chosen words for the occasion presented to them as a token of love and respect from their many friends, many of who were unable to be present, but contributed liberally to procure the same. Mr. Martin made a good talk, and everyone present appreciated it. The bundle contained a suit of clothes, suit of underwear, shirt, pair suspenders, box of cigars, pipe and package of tobacco all for Mr. Crow, and a dress and 50 cents in cash for Mrs. Crow.

This was the climax of the pleasant event and the happy old couple were more surprised than at first for this token of respect at the hands of their many friends, and it required some before Mr. Crow could could find words to express their gratitude. Those present to enjoy the event were Mr. and Mrs. L. Coon, Grandpa Martin and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart and daughter Bertha, Mr. and Mrs. William Ayers, Mrs. J. P. Davis and daughter Florence, Mr. and Mrs. H. Upper and children, Miss Louise Upper, Mrs. B. H. Crow and children, Mr. Ira Eaton, Mr. G. W. Wetherson and daughter Nellie, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thompson, Mrs. Retta Ford and daughter Alice, Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. Louie, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. VanPelt, Mrs. C. E. Luther, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. DeWald.

To say that everyone enjoyed a good time is not putting it too strong and in conclusion will say that if anyone is looking for a comitent (sic) committe to engineer a successful event of the kind turn it over to Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Chambers with H. Upper as their...[cut off]

[transcribed by M.A.N., April 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Greene County