Iowa Old Press

name of paper unknown
Grand Junction, Greene Co. Iowa
last week of October 1902

We Have Lost Him
John W. Crow died at the home of his parents, in this city, on last Thursday, October the 23rd, 1902, after an illness of nearly two years. Aged 29 years. He was a young man of rare ability and good character, also of much promise for a bright future. His amiable disposition endeared him in the heart of all with whom he had an aquaintance, to say that all will miss him, does not express the fullness of the loss, not only the loved ones at home, but the entire community deeply feel the loss. The memory of John W. Crow will never fade from the minds and hearts of those who knew him. All of our people will always remember how he suffered for the past two years, and how bravely he submitted to his lot, until the Master called him. The funeral was preached at the residence Saturday afternoon nu Rev. Hagerman of Des Moines, and all that was left of a true and noble man were laid to rest in the Junction cemetary, followed by many relatives and friends. As neighbors and friends we extend to the bereaved parents, family and friends our most sincere sympathy, in this sad affliction and keenest sorrow.

[transcribed by M.A.N., April 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Greene County