Iowa Old Press

The Jefferson Bee
Jefferson, Greene County, Iowa
Tuesday, June 26, 1883

Death of Mrs. Maria Wright
To the Editor of the Bee:
It will doubtless be startling news to the people generally to learn of the death of our dear old mother. Who, on Thursday night, was taken very severely with bilious colic. She was generally known as “Aunt Maria.” On Friday morning Dr. Grimmell, of Jefferson, was called, but it seemed as if medicine could not relieve her. She called me to her bed and said; Sis, I can’t stay with you long; I am glad I went to the cemetery yesterday and looked at your father’s grave, for I feel that it will not be long until I shall be by his side.”

On Saturday, Dr. Grimmell was again called and on his arrival we learned there was no hope for our dear mother. I feel today that those words will ever ring in my ear—no hope; but thank God we have hope in the sweet by-and-by. Her children, who were not present were called together, of which all arrived except one, to bid her goodbye, and at 1 o’clock on Saturday that loving mother’s spirit took its flight to that “land that is fairer than this.” She died without a doubt of meeting her God in peace. She has been a member of the Christian Church for a number of years and has strictly tried to live up to God’s teaching, and she always taught her children to do the same. She had set an example for us that is worthy of our attention. She was 67 years of age and leaves seven children, all of whom are grown to manhood and womanhood.
I write this with a sad heart, dear friends, and my eyes are almost blinded with tears; but I have kind sisters and brothers, and we can help to bear each other’s troubles as we fully realize that we have no mother now to drop a kind and sympathizing word, which she was always ready to so when she could see one of us in trouble.

The funeral services were conducted by the Revs. Ervin Wright and J. W. Walters on Sunday, at the residence of her son-in-law, W. J. Kinnett, and long before the hour had arrived for services the rooms were filled, after which we followed her body to that place where she had so lately visited, and saw her placed by father’s side. The friends and neighbor’s have our sincere thanks for the kindness they showed us in our trouble.
Dearest mother, thou hast left us;
Here thy loss we deeply feel,
But ‘tis God that hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.

Mrs. Jas. Empie
(Jeminia Wright)

[transcribed by J.M.P., August 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Greene County