Iowa Old Press

Sidney Fremont co., Iowa
November 30, 1933.

Auto Mishap Victim Buried at Old Home
The body of John R. Howard arrived in Sidney Monday from Torrington, Wyoming, at which place he died Friday of last week. Late in October John was injured in an automobile accident in Los Angeles, the particulars of which are not known here. For some time he was treated at a hospital in that city, and as soon as he was able to travel went to the home of his daughter in Torrington where almost immediately took to his bed and lingered until death called. John was born near Sidney December 31, 1890, son of Seymour and Jennie Thatcher Howard, and had reached the age of 43 years 1 month 8 days. In February, 1908, he was married to Miss Bitha Godwin, who passed away in 1929. To them a daughter was born, now Mrs. Lucile Glasgow of Torrington. His sister, Mrs. Grace Foster, died in 1918, his father a few years later. His mother survives. In February, 1917, he was inducted into the service of his country in the world war and was honorably discharge in the following year. Like many another, he contracted ailments during this service which partially incapacitated him during his remaining years. John was a likable person, generous to a fault, loyal to all whom he called friend. If, perchance because of ailments beyond the ken of the human mind, he fell into ways that have not the approval of society's constituted authorities, that is now in the past, "life's fitful dream is o'er" and he now stands before a court whose judgments are the wiser and more merciful than ever established on this earth. Let us draw the veil.Community sympathy goes out to the sorrowing mother, the one daughter and her four children, to the aged grandmother, Mrs. G. R. Thatcher, and lesser relatives. The body, upon arrival at Sidney, was taken in charge by the local American Legion post. Following a funeral service conducted by Rev. C. W. Howard, burial was made in Sidney cemetery.

[transcribed by W.F., June 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County