Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
November 28, 1929

David S. Willey
David S. Willey, a resident of Sidney for thirty years, died at his home last Wednesday afternoon, November 20, following a lingering illness covering a period of nearly two years, the latter part of which he was practically helpless. Deceased was born in Bond county, Illinois, February 13, 1857, being at the time of his death 73 years, 9 months and 7 days of age. He moved with his parents when 14 years old to Thayer county, Nebraska, and lived there until 1899 when he came to Sidney where he established a home and plied his trade of painter and decorator until stricken by infirmity. On November 29, 1883, he was married to Carrie E. Bowman at Belvidere, Nebaraska. Six children were born of this union, five of whom survive their father. Mr. Willey was a member of the Sidney Methodist church, having transferred his membership from Belvidere upon his removal to Sidney thirty years ago. Besides his wife, the folowing children survive: Delbert, living on a farm in Locust Grove, near Farragut; Mrs. Luju Walters of Hiawatha, Kansas; Mrs. Beulah Hannah of Charter Oak, Iowa; Paul and Donald at home. Three brothers and two sisters also survive him, namely, James of Wichita, Kansas; Wilson of Alma, Nebraska; George in Montana; Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers, Yakima, Washington, and Mrs. Lucy Scanland of Greenfield, California. There are also six grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted from the Methodist church Friday afternoon by the pastor, Rev. G. S. Nichols, and interment was made in Sidney cemetery.

Farragut News
Miss Mae Pennewell of Stoughton, Wisconsin, who has been visiting relatives north of town, left Tuesday for her home. Her sister, Mrs. C. C. Ross, accompanied her home to make a visit.

[submitted by W.F., March & April 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County