Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
June 25, 1925

William Johnson of Tabor Meets Death in Accidental Discharge Of a Shotgun
William Johnson, farmer living near Tabor, was probably instantly killed Friday afternoon as a result of the accidental discharge of a shot gun which pierced his heart, tore his chest badly and nearly severed the left arm from the body. County coroner Lovelady was called to the scene by passersby-by and empanelled a jury composed of Dr. B. B. Miller, W.H. Wyant and Fred Mauk and the jury decided that it was a case of self-evident accidental death. It is reported that Mr.Johnson had borrowed a shotgun from a friend in Tabor and on his way home stopped to shoot a ground squirrel for other pest. It is thought that when he reached for the gun to take it out of the car, the trigger caught on some projection, discharging the weapon into his body. Physicians say that he probably died instantly. Mr. Johnson leaves his wife, five sons and a daughter to mourn his loss, also two brothers and two sisters. At the time of his death he was fifty three years of age. Funeral services were held in Tabor at two o'clock, Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. F. C. Gonzales.

[transcribed by W.F., December 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County