Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
October 30, 1924

Farragut News

- William Acord died at his home here Monday evening. He had been sick only since Thursday and his death came as a shock to his friends and relatives. William Oliver Acord was born on May 5, 1872 near Sidney, Iowa, and spent nearly all of his life in and around here. He and his wife left the farm about a year ago and came to Farragut. Mr. Acord was married to Verda Greenlee on October 25, 1892. To them were born two sons, Paul of Council Bluffs and Merle at home. He had one brother, Rufus Acord of this place, and one sister, Mrs. Ruth Niehart of Riverton, Iowa. He leaves a host of friends who sympathize with he widow and children. The funeral services were held from the home Wednesday afternoon, Rev. E. L. Anderson in charge, and the remains were taken to Sidney for interment.

- Estella Robertson spent Wednesday in Shenandoah at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ike Jennings....
- Mrs. R. Kilzer and family are enjoying a visit this week from her mother Mrs. R. A. Peebler, of Libertyville, Iowa, and her sister, Mrs. Frescoln, and two sons Harold and Merrill of Batavia, Iowa....
- The little two year old son of Mr. and Mrs.Harry Dinsmore died Monday and was buried in the Locust Grove cemetery. Rev. Thornton of Riverton preached the services at the home in Hamburg. The Dinsmore family were former residents of this place. Their many friends here sympathize with them....
- Mrs. A. H. Hathaway and daughter Della gave a family dinner on Sunday to a number of relatives in honor of Bert and Charles Hathaway and their families, of Yuma, Colorado, who are here on a visit.

Fortieth Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. S. Rowe, prominent ranchers of the Hoosac district, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at their home on September 30th. Mrs. Rose is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McNatt, and she was married to Wesley Rowe at Sidney, Iowa, at the farm residence of Mrs. Rowe's parents on September 30, 1884. Rev. David Worcester performed the ceremony. Mr. Rowe was in the photograph business for a number of years in Iowa, coming to Montana several years ago, and since that time has been engaged in ranching in this vicinity. Father Tlime has dealt leniently with Mr. and Mrs. Rowe and they are still going ahead with their work in a manner which would do credit to a couple many years younger. In this city as well as their own community, they have made a multitude of friends, who extend congratulations, and who wish them more years of happiness which they so richly deserve.--Denton (Montana) Recorder.
For Member of the Board of Supervisors, term beginning January 1925, we present Henry J. Ross of Walnut township. Mr. Ross is quite well and favorably known the county over. He has been a farmer in Walnut township for a number of years and is a man of mature judgment. For many years he has been deeply interested in the Farmers Institute and is also interested in Farm Bureau activities. He is one of the men who has helped to make the Waubonsie Trail from Shenandoah to Nebraska City what it is and is continually boosting for this highway, especially in the matter of cleaning it up and making it a beautiful drive in so far as is humanly possible. Contrary to a rumor that is current, Mr. Ross is not related to Mr. George Ross, present member of the board. If elected in November, Mr. Ross will give county affairs his closest attention and he will appreciate your vote and your support.

-- Henry O. Wallace, owner of Wallace's Farmer, passed peacefully away Saturday in Washington, D. C
-- Ferrin Evans, son of Elmer Evans of Sidney, married Nellie Johnson, daughter of John Johnson of Shenandoah in Clarinda on Oct. 26, 1924.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2003 & June 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County