Iowa Old Press

December 18, 1924

One of Sidney's lads, Lowell Otte, star end of the Iowa University football eleven has been granted the key of Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholastic fraternity at Iowa University. This will go a long way to confute the harpings of those who say that good football playing and excellent scholarship do not go hand in hand. Otte leads the senior class in grades and was one of the fourteen to receive the honor of membership in the fraternity. He has also received the Hawkeye scholarship of $100 for scholarship and outside activities, two letters in track, three varsity football letters and numerals in freshman football and track. He has been president of the freshman class and also of his school fraternity, Phi Gamma Delta. Shortly after his arrival at the university in 1921, he gave promise of establishing a high scholastic record by placing in the upper five per cent of his class in intelligence tests and is now a candidate for the Rhodes scholarship from Iowa to Oxford University in England. His diploma of graduation in June of the coming year will read "with highest distinction." Dramatics can also be added to the list of Otte's acomplishments, for he played a prominent role in the student production of "The Merchant of Venice" last year and also appeared in a production in which the lines were in the French language. The story of his brilliant school record is told in his grades which show that he received sixty-six A and twenty-seven B grades in three years. During the first semester of his second year he earned nothing but A grades. The highest percentage any student in the University can possibly get is ninety-eight, and his average for the three years is ninety-five and three-tenths. Lowell was practically the unanimous choice for end on mythical 1924 football teams and has won conference honors for two consecutive years. In his three seasons of football he was not forced out of the game by injuries until November 22, when in the final grid contest of his career he wrenched his knee in the game with the Wolverines in which Iowa led by the score of 9 - 2.

[submitted by W.F., Oct. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County