Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
March 9, 1922

Daniel Ott
Funeral services for Daniel Ott, who died Monday morning were held Thursday at 4 o'clock at the home of the son, C. B. Ott. The services were in charge of Rev. Claude R.Cook. Interment in Randolph cemetery. Daniel Ott was born July 3, 1840 near Elkhart, Ind. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ott and was one of a family of ten children. He was married to Emma Jane Swartz on February 6, 1862 and only recently the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding was quietly observed. Mr. and Mrs. Ott came to Iowa April 14, 1860, settling on a farm near Defiance. In 1916 they came to, and have since made, Randolph their home. There are eight living children. They are: Alonzo, Portland, Ore.; Carey B., Randolph; Roy, Randolph; Charles O., Perry, Iowa; Mrs. Lily Duncan, Kenebes, S. D.; Mrs. Dora Lucinda Tillett, Winnett, Mont.; Mrs. Bertha Taylor, Merrill, Iowa; Mrs. Georgia Abdouch, __?_ilboro, S. D. Two brothers, John in Nebraska and Alloway in Wisconsin, are still living.There are twenty one grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren.

Ora Sitton received a message Sunday stating that his brother, Jesse, a nightwatchman in the railroad yards at Cheyenne, Wyoming had been shot on Friday, passing away Saturday from the effects of wounds inflicted by a gun in the hands of a negro assassin. Jesse was a former Sidney boy, being the odlest son of Mr.and Mrs. John Sitton. He was married to Merle Bobbitt and the widow with one son morn his loss. Shortly after his marriage Jesse moved to western Nebraska where he served two terms as sheriff of his county. Burial was made in Cheyenne Tuesday morning. Further particulars regarding the negro who did the shooting has not been learned.

Thurman News
John W. Branson died at his home in Thurman February 28, 1922 at the age of 62 years, 4 months and 6 days. The deceased was born and reared near Loveland, Iowa in Pottawattamie county. At the age of 19 years he was united in marriage with Louise Hathaway. To this union two children were born, both dying in infancy. He leaves to mourn his death a wife, six sisters, five brothers and other relatives and host of friends. Brief funeral services were held at his home in Thurman, conducted by C.T. Crouse. The body was then shppped to Loveland and interment was made in the Branson cemetery.

Percival News
- Miss Marguerite Martin was able to return to her home in Thurman from Omaha where she had been several weeks for treatment. Sunday she came down to visit her sister, Mrs. Will Sheldon....
- Mrs. Richard Tudor of Casper, Wyoming, better known to us as Blanch Boyd, is improving rapidly. It is thought that she can leave the hospital in a few days....
- Lee Chaney, who broke his leg at school, several weeks ago is able now to ride out....
- Miss Lena DeFreece, teacher at Rickett's school, was called home Thursday by the serious illness of her mother. The school children are enjoying vacation this week....
- Jennie Runyon and Opal Handy celebrated their birthdays together Saturday by inviting their little friends to spend the afternoon with them....
- Dr. Wilson was called last week to see the Copeland twins Bernice and Beatrice who are suffering with whooping cough....
- Miss Ellen Reeves who teaches Prair! ie District, was taken sick Wednesday. Her father, Orval Reeves came for her taking her to her home near Tabor....
- Mrs. Ernest Rogers is spending the week in Omaha with her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Hunt....
- Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Sheldon, Sr., have received invitations to be present at the Sheldon home, March 13, to help them celebrate their Golden Wedding....
- Charlie Orr and family whose home burned down a couple of weeks ago, have been staying with Charlie's cousin, Ernest Zack and family....
- Those out of town attending the funeral of Jerry Williams were his brother, George Williams and two nephews, Wesley and Herbert Williams from Kansas; Mrs. William S. Hineline, Superior, Nebr., Mrs. Marie Williams from Omaha, Mrs. J. R. Detuck and Mr. and Mrs. David Harding of Council Bluffs and Jack Graham of Missouri Valley.

Bartlett News
- Mr. Wahlen of Lincoln, Nebr., visited over Sunday with his son Dale and family....
- Mrs. Albert Dike was calling on her sister, Mrs. Ralph Drake Saturday...
- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyd and family took dinner Sunday with Mrs. Boyd's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Richardson....
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard and Mrs. Ballard's sister Miss Eathel (sic) Cloyd, attended the picture show in Glenwood. They spent Sunday with Mrs. Ballard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cloyd....(5). Mrs. Lizzie Davis is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Drake....(6) L. Suits and wife of Tabor visited over Sunday with Mrs. Suit's parents, Mr.and Mrs. Henry Rickman....
- Lester McClary visited Sunday with his cousin, Bryan McClary and wife.

After a week's illness of acute bronchial pneumonia, Noah Thrapp died at his home Sunday evening, after living in Fremont county for nearly fifty years. He was born August 7, 1860 near Cincinnati, Ohio. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thrapp, who moved from Ohio to Appanoose county, Iowa when he was a child. In 1878 he was married to Agnes Marie Waddell, at Plattsville, Iowa, who survives him, also Asa L. Thrapp of Minnesota, Mrs. J. H. Wescoat of Minnesota, Mrs. J. H. Wescoat (sic) of Maridan, Iowa and Mrs. Fred Bolte of Treynor, Iowa and Alfred R. Thrapp of Omaha, Nebr. who is a son by his first marriage. The funeral services wer held at the home on Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Dr. F. M. Sission and his body was laid to rest in the Thurman cemetery.

After an illness extending over several weeks Johnny Wilson died at the home of Philip Forney. John Leeka Wilson was born December 21, 1855 in Fremont county and died March 1, 1922 at the age of 66 years 2 months and 10 days. He leaves a to mourn his loss two brothers, T. E. Wilson of Thurman and F. M. Wilson of Bancroft, Idaho, and two sisters Mrs. Dave Baggs of Tabor and Mrs. James Long. Funeral services were conducted Thursday at the Philip Forney home by Elder George Surface and interment was made in Thurman cemetery.

Thomas Charles Ford
Thomas Charles Ford was born on August 9, 1864 in Enfield, a suburb of London,England, and died at his home in Randolph, Iowa, on March 5, at the age of 55 years 6 months and 26 days. He came to America with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Ford, landing in New York on July 4, 1865. Moving westward the family settled near Gallant Grove, Shelby county, of this state in 1870, moving from there to Earling, Iowa where on May 17, 1892 he was united in marriage to Miss Barbara Hillis, who with two children, Beatrice and Howard, are left to mourn his death. Three brothers are living: Robert of Butte, Nebraska; John of Council Bluffs and Alfred of Harlan, Iowa. Mr.Ford has been actively engaged in the mercantile busines most of his adult life,following this pursuit in Earling, Defiance and Panama, locating in Randolph nine years ago where he was engaged in business until his death. As a citizen he took an active part in politics, serving a term as auditor of Shelby county. He became a member of Guardian Lodge No. 441 A. F. & A. M., and served two terms as Worshipful Master of that lodge, transferring his membership to Crown Lodge No. 439 at Randolph and was a member of that order in good standing at the time of his death. From early childhood he was actively identified with church work, being a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, transferring his membership to Randolph on his arrival there. Funeral services were held from the home on Tuesday, March 7, conducted by Rev. Cook of the Randolph M. E. Church, assisted by Rev. Wright. Interment was made in Randolph cemetery with his brother Masons in charge of the services at the grave.

[transcribed by W.F., Sept. 2003, June 2006, March 2007 & February 2008]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
March 16, 1922

Full particulars of the death of Jesse Sitton at Cheyenne, Wyoming, have been learned from a letter from his wife, formerly Miss Merle Bobbitt of this place, to the relatives here. "On the night of March 2, Mr. Sitton, who held a position as special officer with the railroad company, observed a man whom he took to be a negro or Mexican sneaking behind a pile of ties in the yards.He followed the prowler and demanded to known what he was doing there. The man replied, "I'll show you what I'm doing" and shot Mr. Sitton in the chest with a 45 caliber revolver. The heavy ball passed entirely thru one lung and lodged in the spine causing paralysis of the entire body below the wound. With their son, Gerald, the wife of the wounded man hurried to his bedside and helped to comfort and soothe him until the end which came Saturday night March 4 at ten o'clock. The body was laid to rest at Cheyenne Tuesday. It is said that indignation is ro high that should the murderer by [illegible] summarily.

[transcribed by W.F., June 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County