Iowa Old Press

Tabor,Fremont County, Iowa
June 22, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Zook were in Glenwood Sunday morning, where they held a farewell meeting at the Holiness church. [There was a] farewell meeting at the Faith Home chapel here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Zook and Miss Pauline were in charge. The young people held a special farewell at their prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Mr. Zook and family leave Tabor today and will visit relatives in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and California. The two sons, Arthur and Eber, will visit with them in Missouri and then go to the home of their aunt, Mrs. George, where they will spend the remainder of the summer. They are remaining in the United States to continue their studies and will return to the Tabor Faith Home school in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Zook and Miss Pauline are returning to their mission field in India, and will sail from Seattle or Vancouver in August or September. They have been in the United States on a two year furlough and expect to be in India for five years before returning. Miss Pauline expects to take a medical course in a college in India and devote her life to medical missionary work there.

[transcribed by W.F., November 2007]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
June 29, 1922

Mrs. Ellen Wylie Chandler was born June 17, 1849 at Cattaraugus county, New York and departed this life June 19, 1922 at the home of her niece, Mrs. Lottie McCartney in Thurman. At an early age she came to Missouri where her father became a prominent construction engineer. In 1865 she with her parents came to Fremont county, Iowa and on May 22, 1871 she was united in marriage to John H. Chandler at Sidney, Iowa. To this union seven children were born, four passing away to the Great Beyond in childhood and two in middle age. Her husband preceeded her in death ten years ago. She had been making her home with her son, Wilbur, the only remaining member of her family until three and one-half years ago at his death, being left alone in the world. She came here and made her home with her niece, Mrs. Lettie McCartney where she has received every care and consideration. During her short residence here aunt Ellen as she was known endeared herself to all with whom she came to contact by her cheery disposition. Funeral services were held at the house Wednesday conducted by the local pastor, Dr. F. M. Sisson and the remains were taken to St. Joseph, Missouri, for burial.

Edith Fredrickson
Edith Agnes Trewet daughter of John and Dinah Trewet was born on the home farm northwest of Sidney June 9, 1886 and died in the Jennie Edmundson hospital June 24, 1922, following an operation for appendicitis. She grew to young womanhood on the old homestead northwest of Sidney attending the rural schools and the Sidney High School about two years. She united with the Methodist Episcopal church of Sidney in 1903 being the first member to be received into Christian Fellowship of the present church in Sidney, Iowa. She was baptized near Knox, Iowa, June 21st by O. W. Lippincott. On December 23, 1908 she was united in marriage to William Elmer Fredrickson of Thurman, Iowa, going to the Fredrickson home two and one-half miles east of Thurman where they have resided ever since. To this union three daughters were born, Thelma Marguerite who was born February 27, 1913 and passed out of this life March 8, 1913. The living daughters are Wilma Celeste age 8 years, and Catherine Elaine, age 4 years. These with the husband and father are left to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother. Also she leaves to mourn her loss the aged father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Trewet; three sisters, Mrs. Arch McDaniel of Ferndale, Washington; Mrs. Howard McDaniel of Council Bluffs, Iowa; and Mrs. Alvin Tyner of Imogene; three brothers, namely Thomas Trewet of Fort Morgan, Colorado and Earl and Raymond of Sidney, Iowa, besides numerous other relatives and friends. Edith was a devoted wife and mother and a kind and loving neighbor always ready to help those in time of need with words of cheer. She numbered her friends by those who knew her. She will be sadly missed by family, relatives and friends. Funeral services were held from the home Tuesday, conducted by Rev. R. R. Moser, pastor of the Sidney Methodist church. Interment was made in the Thurman cemetery. Those from Sidney who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bicker, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Culley, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Baylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Ballinger, Mr. and Mrs. John Ballinger, Mrs. Charles and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nennemann, Mrs. Hodges, Mrs. Ed English, Lottie Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Engelke, Mr. and Mrs. John Hodges, Mrs. Ed Engelke, Miss Marjette Hiatt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Mearl Hatten, Mr. and Mrs .Earl Trewet, Earl and Harold Holloway, Eves Holloway.

[transcribed by W.F., Oct. 2003 & February 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County