Iowa Old Press

June 9, 1921

Samuel J. Umphenour. Samuel J. Umphenour was born in August 1853 at Danville, Illinois, and early in life moved with his family to Butler county, Kansas. He was at one time a resident of Fremont county and was once employed on the J. W. Baylor farm. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss. Two of his children, Roy Umphenour and Mrs. C. J. Culley, are residents of this city. His health had been failing for some time and it was only a short time ago since Roy and Mrs. Culley returned from a trip to his bedside. Growing weaker and weaker, he finally answered the call of Death on Thursday, June 2, at Humansville, Missouri. To the sorrowing relatives the community extends the deepest sympathy.

Riverton News
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Otis Shearer a son, June 3rd....
- Guy Scoles of Red Oak spent Sunday with his grandfather, C. B. Scoles.....
- Miss Nellis Mayer of Shenandoah spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lamb. Mrs. Ellen Mayers of Shenandoah visited at the home of her brother J. E. Lamb. J. E. Lamb has made their home look klike a new one. He added a new shingled roof.....
- Miss Rebecca Marvin a cousin of Mrs. John Judd is visiting in the Judd home this week.....
- Miss Susan Meyers will spend the summer in the country with her sister Mrs. John Nook.....
- Mrs. Chandler remains quite poorly. She is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clara Roberts. Mrs. Frank Roberts of Omaha is at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Roberts helping care for her mother, Mrs. Chandler.....
- Mrs. Gertrude Butterick of Lake City, Iowa, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Richard Sherman....
- Rev. Chris Solsburg of Imogene visi! ted his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Swei Chrestensen Wednesday.....
- Miss Bess Sherman is home. She has been teaching in Rawlins, Wyoming, for the last three years....
- Mrs. Claire Longman left for Auburn, Nebraska, for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Ayers, who will accompany her home....
- Mrs. Anna Heaton and daughters, Hazel and Nedra of Shenandoah spent Wednesday with parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Swie Chrestensen....
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyons and children are visiting relatives and friends in Riverton and vicinity this week. Mrs. Lyons is a daughter of Willard Conkle....
- Miss Mable Bridges returned home Wednesday evening from Rushville, Nebraska, where she has been teaching the past year. Miss Mable is a very successful instructor.

Mrs. John Gohlinghorst. Mrs. Minnie Gohlinghorst died at her home in Council Bluffs on Wednesday morning, June 1, after an illness of two and one-half months with paralysis. She was seventy four years of age and the widow of the late John Gohlinghorst. Mrs. Gohlinghorst had made her home in Council Bluffs for twenty-six years. She leaves three sons William of Randolph, Andy of Council Bluffs, George of Madison, Nebraska, and one daughter Mrs. William Strong of Dexter, Missouri. She also leaves twelve grandchildren. Funeral services were held from the Gohlinghorst home in Council Bluffs at two o'clock Friday afternoon, June 3.

Uncle Jake's Party. Tuesday, May 30th, "Uncle" Jake Athey celebrated his 77th birthday. Two of his boy friends also had birthdays that day and Uncle Jake invited them in and they all celebrated together. His pal, Elliott Thomas, was twelve years old that day, and Billy Kilpatrick, Jr., had reached the age of two years. Uncle Jake had a regular feed prepared at the Stout cafe, and invited the folloiwing to participate in the banquet with him: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Blakely, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Thomas and Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kilpatrick and Billy, Jr., and Mrs. Chas. Sexton and daughter. A fine time was had by all and the banquet supper included a fine three layer cake with candles for all three of the boys.--Randolph Enterprise.

Elizabeth Paulinea Yowell. Elizabeth Paulinea Yowell, daughter of Thomas and Mary Farmer, deceased, was born near Hamburg, Fremont county, Iowa, December 16th 1848 and departed this life at her home in Sidney, Iowa, June 6th, 1921 aged 73 years 6 months 10 days. She was united in marriage to William J. Yowell on December 25th, 1867 at the family home four miles east of Hamburg. To this union were born four children, one daughter, Bessie, who became the wife of William Wightman, and whose death occurred at Shenandoah on May 4th of this year, and three sons, Angelo, Thomas and James. Mrs.Yowell was one of 12 children born to her parents, only one of whom survive her, Almeda Booten, of Los Angleles, California. A week previous to the decease of her daughter, and while attendant at her sickbed, she was stricken with her last illness, and although of an unusually robust constitution and blessed with health beyond her years she could not rally from the shock of her daugher's death and growing weaker with each succeeding day, she passed into the quiet and rest of the sleep which awaits all travelers in this vale of sunshine and shade.The deceased was converted to the Christian faith and became a member of the Christian church in Sidney on January 30, 1896 and remained a member of that church until her death. Of her own family she is survived by her husband, William J. Yowell, and the three sons previously mentioned, and to these bereaved ones the heart of the community goes in deep sympathy at the loss of a most estimable wife and affectionate mother. Death has taken another of the worthy pioneers of this county, and to the tide of the silent river that flows between the seen and unsee! n lands the affectionate regard and deep respect of a large circle of friends follow the one who has been taken from our midst. The funeral service was held at the home of the deceased on Tuesday morning, June 7th, 1921, conducted by Rev. John Todd of Sidney. Interment was made in the Sidney cemetery.

[submitted by W.F., Sept. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County