Iowa Old Press

Fremont Co. Iowa
July 28, 1921

--Friends have received word of the death of Mrs. Wm. Smith at her home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on July 17. Tuberculosis was the cause of her death. Mrs. Smith will be remembered as Miss Jesse Shultz, daughter of Mrs. Addie Shultz and lived for a number of years with her parents on their farm just east of town. Mr. Winters is now occupying the farm which belongs to Mrs. Shultz. Mrs. Shultz was with her daughter at the time of her death, during her last sickness. It is also stated that Mr. Shultz died a few weeks ago.

--Eli Oppenheimer died July 20 at 7:30 p.m., just four weeks after the death of his wife. He was seriously ill with pneumonia two weeks. He was seventy four years, 5 days of age. He came and settled on their home farm in 1874 and lived there until 7 years ago when they moved to Shenandoah. He was a son-in-law of Mrs. Catherine Hall of this place. He is survived by two sons, H. J. and Earl E., living northeast of this place , and daughters, Mrs. Olga Metz of York, Nebraska, Mrs. Sena Larsen of Atkinson, Nebraska and Mrs. Mayme Wyant of Glenwood. The children have the sympathy of many friends.

--Mr. and Mrs. Emil Strom and sons of Shenandoah enjoyed a week's vacation last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barns.

--Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Martin who live east of Shenandoah spent several days the past week helping with the thrashing at the home of his brother Mr. Carey Martin.

--Charles and Bertha Spurlock, who had spent several weeks at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Mary Atwood returned to their home at Elmo, Missouri Thursday. (4).--Mrs. Hugh Latimer and sons, Lyle and Eugene of near Shenandoah spent Friday and Saturday at the home of her mother, Mrs. M.E. McAlister.

Fremont County