Iowa Old Press

February 19, 1920.

Daniel J. Head
Daniel J. Head of Imogene passed away Monday, February 9, 1920, at this home near that place of pernicious anaemia, from which he had been suffering for over a year. He was at Rochester, Minnesota, last year and took treatment of Mayo Bros., seeming to receive considerable relief, and again this fall he went, but did not recover, and returned to his home, dying just three weeks after he returned. Mr. Head's age was 47 years. He had been a resident of the vicinity of Imogene nearly all his life, and was well known and respected by a host of friends. His wife and four children, Anthony, Dorothy, Rose and Mary survive to mourn the loss of a kind, patent and loving husband and father. The funeral was held from the St. Patrick's church at Imogene, Wednesday of last week at 10 a.m., and the interment was in the Mt. Calvary cemetery.


February 26, 1920

Vergil Bartina Timson
Vergil Bartina Timson, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Charles Jay Timson, was born December 19, 1915, and died at the home of her parents February 23, 1920, aged four years two months and four days.
She had been suffering for some time with influenza which caused her death. She leaves father, mother and two sisters, Opal Louise and Helen Elizabeth to mourn her loss. Little Vergil was not only the life of the home, but also a favorite among all who knew her, and now that is has seemed pleasing to God to take her from us, we look at it that Jesus saw this beautiful flower in full bloom so took it up that it might shine in heaven.

Sylvia Pearl Martin
Sylvia Pearl Martin, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, was born July 18, 1910, and died at the home of her parents February 23, 1920, being 9 years 7 months and 5 days old. She had been sick for some time with whooping cough, then took the influenza which settled on the lungs,bringing on pneumonia which caused her death. She leaves her father, mother, two brothers and one sister, Walter, Raymond and Fay to mourn her loss. Although God has seen fit to take her from among us, we cannot help but thank Him that He left with us a memory of her which is most sweet.

"A little lily pure and white,
Blooming on life's earthy sod,
Was seen by Him who is love and might
As he looked from his place of abode.

"The passers by now book and stare
And wonder why the place is dim:
Then, comes a voice from heaven's shore
'Jesus has taken her to be with Him' "

The News From Farragut

Ellen M. Duncan
Ellen M. Duncan was born near Lenbanon, Kentucky, October 7, 1837, and died at the home of her son, Frank, February 19, 1920, aged 82 yhears 4 months and 12 days. When she was a child of four, her parents moved to Illinois where she grew to womanhood. On May 18, 1858, she was united in marriage to Wm. C. Newton of Macomb, Illinois. To this union was born one child, Mrs. Sadie E. Scott of Farragut. On February 27, 1870, she was married to Morris J. Coykendall of Good Hope, Illinois. To this union five children were born, three dying in infancy. The surviving sons are Albert H. of Tabor, Iowa, Frank I. of Shenandoah; also two step-sons, Fred, J. and Edgar H., both of Denver, Colorado. She also leaves three brothers, Wm. Duncan of Good Hope, Ilinois, James Duncan of Peoria, Illinois, and John Duncan of Coin, Iowa; also two sisters Mrs. Amanda Danley and Mrs. Angil Woolam of McComb, IIlinois, several grandchildren and great grandchildren to mourn her death. Her life was one of untiring devotion to those she loved and her friends were many. Funeral services were held at the home of her son, Frank, southeast of town Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Wm. G. Harding, pastor of the M. E. Church of which she had been a devoted member for many years. The music was furnished by Seth Cox, Mrs. H. L. Coleman, Mrs. Wm. G. Harding, J. J. Whisler. Interment was made in the Farragut cemetery.

Elinor Reid
Elinor Reid, eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reid of west of this place died Monday morning at 1 o'clock. She had been ill since last fall, but her death was hastened by influenza with which the entire family had been afflicted. She was the fourth child and leaves besides her parents, two sisters and two brothers who are heart broken over her early death. Elinor was an unusually attractive and loveable child. Short services were held at the home by the pastor of the Methodist church of Riverton. Burial was made in the Farragut cemetery. This sadened family have the sympathy of all who know of their bereavement.

Mrs. Pressly Glasgo
Mrs. Pressly Glasgo died at her home in Omaha Monday morning, February 16, aged 78 years. She had been ill several weeks with complications due to old age. The body was brought to Farragut and funeral services held at the home of her son, Ellis Glasgo, Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Wm. G. Harding, pastor of the M. E. church. She leaves her husband and several children. Only two of them reside in this vicinity, Ellis of Farragut and Ira of Prairie township. Burial was made in the Singleton cemetery.

-Mrs. M. E. McAllister who has spent the winter visiting her children and sister at Lansing, Kansas, will return to her home soon....
-Mrs. Dale Ellis returned to her home in Creston Friday evening after a few days visit here with home folks. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mr. J. C. Jones who will visit her aged mother, Mrs. Helen Thornton and another daughter, Mrs. Willard Robbins, and family.....
-Miss Elma Turnbull enjoyed a visit Friday from her cousin, Mrs. Ben Johnson, of Ft. Collins, Colorado. Mrs. Johnson had been here to attend the funeral of her father, Robert Turnbull of Coin last week. Mrs. Lulu Turnbull of Shenandoah accompanied Mrs. Johnson here Friday....
-Mrs. J. A. Johnson and daughter, Roberta, and her brother, Samuel Roberts of Sterling, Colorado, returned to her home in Hamburg Saturday afternoon after several days visit here with relatives.....
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coykendall of Tabor, and Messrs. Fred and Edgar Coykendall of Denver, Colorado, were called here by the sickness and death of their mother, Mrs. Ellen Coykendall.....
-Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Latimer and little son, Lyle, and Mrs. Latimer's mother, Mrs. M. E. McAllister spent Friday at the home of the latter's daughter, Mrs. C. A. Vaughn.....
-The Pease school began again this week after a little over a week's enforced vacation caused by the illness of the pupils and teacher, Miss Ramona Coy....
The stone for the front of the Commercial Savings bank has arrived and was delivered Saturday. The building will now soon be enclosed.....
-Mrs. E. E. Andrews of Detroit, Michigan, arrived here Saturday morning to help care for her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Spear, who is quite ill.....
-Henry Morehead returned home from Creston Friday where he had been to see his son, Rolla and family who are all down with the flu....
-Bert Lightfoot went to Beatrice, Nebraska, Thursday morning for a visit with his sister, Mrs. John Newton and husband.....
-Mrs. Clara Thornton of Creston spent Tuesday here at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Jones....
-Mrs. G. M. Chapman of Shenandoah spent Sunday here with her daughter, Mrs. Ed MIller.
Mrs Dollie E. Rogers
Mrs. Dollie E. Rogers was born in Franklin county, Kentucky, October 12, 1847 and was the daughter of Thomas and Martha Jenkins. With her parents she came to this community in 1861 and was married to Dell Rogers on September 2, 1869, at her home. To them were born six children, all of whom are living: Ernest of Percival, Fred of Logan, Mrs. James Elkins of Aurora, Nebraska; Carrie at home, Clark of Percival and Roberta Bailey of Edin, Idaho. Last September Mr. and Mrs. Rogers celebrated their golden wedding at the family home and received the earnest and hearty congratulations of a host of friends and the pleasure of Mrs.Rogers in this event will not soon be forgotten by those who were present. About 40 years ago Mrs. Rogers united with the Baptist church and of that body has been an earnest member ever since. She has been in failing health for about 10 years and for the past six years has been afflicted with blindness. Her patience in this affliction has been very touching. Besides the husband and the children named there are left 10 grand children and one great grandchild, two brothers and four sisters to mourn her loss. Death came as a relief from long suffering on Monday evening at 8:30 at the age of 72 years 4 months and 14 days.

Riverton News
- Grace Bell Carter was born May 26, 1895 and departed this life February 19, 1920 at her home in Prairie township. She was only sick two weeks. She leaves to mourn her death, Samuel, aged five years, Ruth, 18 months and an infant babe born February 15, 1920; also her husband, mother and father and seven sisters: Nellie Bopp of Farragut, Mabel Bennnett of Hamburg, Inez Ramsey of Prairie township, Ruth, Violet, Pauline and Doris at home. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Friday and she was laid to rest in the Sidney cemetery. The grief stricken relatives have the sympathy of all.

- Frances Jane Reddick was born in Howard county, Missouri, April 25, 1844, and died at her home in Riverton, February 15, 1920. She united in marriage to Sarshel Brown July 19, 1869 at Rock Port, Missouri. To this union seven children were born. Her husband preceded her to the beyond Feburary 19, 1916; also three children, one daughter in infancy and two sons, Huntley and Hugh. Those that survive her are Lee and Robert of Council Bluffs, and Jennie Irwin and Bettie McCluskey of Riverton. Seven grandchildren and a host of friends and neighbors. She was alway ready to do her part, always had good deeds and kind words for everybody. She united with the Christian church 43 years ago at Lindon, Missouri, and has always been faithful to the obligations of a christian. She would have been 76 years of age in April. The funeral services were held at the Arthur Irwin home Monday at 11 o'clock, conducted by Elder C. A. Thompson and was laid to rest in the Riverton cemetery.

- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carter, a baby boy Sunday.....
- Walter McSpadden came down from Shenandoah Saturday. He has been helping care for his brother, Virgil, who is very low with pneumonia.....
- Mrs Ina Davis who has been visiting her uncles R. A. and B. E. Rice and family for several days returned to her home at Winfield, Kansas, Tuesday.....
- The remains of Bertha Van Fleet were brought in Monday. Funeral services were held Tuesday at two o'clock at Mt. Zion church. She died in Omaha with the flu. She had formerly lived in Riverton for a long time.

Thurman News
- June McAlexander, the six-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McAlexander, died Sunday after a long siege of pneumonia. Funeral services were held Sunday and she was buried in the Thurman cemetery ...... - William Clelland, the 7-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Padgett, died February 16 from pneumonia. He leaves to mourn his loss his parents, two sisters and a brother. Funeral services were held last Tuesday, conducted by Elder Chas. Aitken and burial was made in the Thurman cemetery.

Fremont County