Iowa Old Press

September 19, 1918

Farragut News
Rolla VanSickle, who as spent the summer at Newton, Iowa, working for a compnay which constructs silos, is spending a short time here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Sickle, before going to Ames to continue college work....

Mrs. Herr accompanied her daughter Miss Gertrude, to Hamburg Thursday morning on her way to Newton, Iowa. Miss Herr will go from there to Ames, Iowa, where she is an instructor in the college....

Mrs. Eva Gudgel gave a reception Wednesday evening for her son Earl and bride.....

George Simmerman had his Buick touring car stolen, and tools belonging to their Saxon touring car, some gasoline, all stolen from his garage at his farm southwest of here....

Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Lowe and daughter Miss MIriam, and sons Harold and Ronald of Bedford, Iowa, spent Saturday here. Rev. Lowe was called to preach the funeral sermon for Mrs. Frank Trullinger.

Fremont County