Iowa Old Press

November 7, 1918

In Fremont county, the Herald is sorry to say, the democrats were able to elect only three of their candidates:......Mr. Ellis, one of the best auditors the county has ever had, was defeated by Harry Swanson by 183 votes....

Farragut News
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones and son Ralph and family and daugther, Mrs. A. D. Coleman, and children, spent Sunday at the country home of their son and brother Rolla and family....

Miss Elizabeth Hamann has returned to Havelock, Nebraska, to resume her duties as teacher of music in the public schools....

Mrs. Mary Atwood and daughter, Miss Mabel, returned home Wednesday from a short visit with another daughter, Mrs. Ethel Spurlock at Blanchard....

Miss Verna Shaw returned to her home Tuesday after a week's visit at the home of her uncle, D. N. Shaw, who is recovering from the influenza....

Oscar Hathaway of Gravity, Iowa, is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. Hathaway.

Mr. and Mrs. Griffith of Corning, Iowa, came Wednesday and will make their home for the present with their son-in-law C. C. Berry. Mr. Berry and little daughter Bernice arrived home Thursday from Filmore, Misouri and he took up his duties at the depot November 1 after a short absence....

Mr. and Mrs. George Durfee of Bedford, Iowa, became the parents of a son October 25. He has been named Kenneth Orton. Mr. and Mrs. Durfee were residents of this vicinity for some time until about 1 1/2 years ago, when they moved to their present home.....

Mrs. E. E. Spear returned home last Thursday after several weeks visit with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. E. E. Andrews, at Detroit, Michigan.....

Mrs. Mattie Knapp spent Wednesday visiting her daughter-in-law Mrs. Alice Knapp, and little son Raymond at their home in Hamburg.....

Miss Bernice Anderson went to Hamburg Monday morning to resume her duties as Latin instructor in the Hamburg schools.....

Private A. J. Dickey has been transferred from Camp Dodge to Camp Hancock, Georgia, to the officers' training corps.....

Henry Pease and family, who live near Blanchard, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. E. Pease.....

Misses Edna and Elizabeth Dunfee of Shenandoah were guests Sunday at the home of their sister Mrs. Guy Wilcoxson.....

Mrs. C. H. Stewart enjoyed a visit from her brother, Mr. Hayes, and family of Council Bluffs.....

H. N. Monson and family spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Monson's sister, Mrs. Art Van Sant, and family..

Mrs. W. B. Carter died at her home in Shenandoah at 5 o'clock Friday morning. She had been an invalid 25 years. The funeral was held in Shenandoah Sunday afternoon. The burial was made in the Farragut cemetery. She is survived by her husband, their daughter Mr. L. E. Ripley of Logan, Iowa, and sons Charles of Shenandoah and George, who lives a mile north of Farragut. Mr. and Mrs. Carter lived many years on a farm five miles south of this place and have many friends in this vicinity who will be grieved to hear of her death.

Mrs. Geo. S. Hopkins Passed Away at Her Home in Missouri
Mabel Margaret Mills was born near Farragut, Iowa, on the 10th of May, 1880 and departed this life the 17th day of October, 1918 at 1:20 a.m. near Watson, Missouri. She was 28 years four months and 17 days old.
She grew to womanhood near Farragut and was married to George S. Hopkins of this place January 26, 1908. They lived between Sidney and Hamburg a few years and moved to Missouri about five years ago. She was victim of the dread disease which has claimed so many in the last few weeks, the influenza. She was sick only a few days and was not able to overcome the disease. She was the mother of five chidlren, one of whom died in infancy. The surviving children are Ruth, Herschel, Donald and Wayne. Besides her husband and children she leaves her father, William Mills and three brothers, William, Lawrence and Kirk of Oakland, Iowa, and two sisters Mrs. Grace Bullard of Hinton, Oklahoma, and Mrs. Frances Anderson of Oakland, Iowa. She united with the Methodist church at this place under the pastorate of Rev. Chas. Main and was received into membership on Sunday, August 6, 1905. She transferred her membership to the Sidney M. E. church, of which she was a member at the time of her death. She was a good woman, a faithful wife and a devoted mother. It was hard for her to leave her family, but we have the promise that God will take care of them through the instrumentality of kind hands and tender hearts. However wild may be the storm and dark the night, soon the daybreak will be dawning, and the friendships of yore shall blossom once more when we meet again in the morning. --By Rev. B. R. VanDyke.

Sidney News

Guy Adkisson left Saturday for his home at Winside, Nebraska....

Mrs. Swartz of Kansas City came Friday to care for the family of her brother, W. D. Crose.....

George Gould, who is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Charles Stiles at Percival, was in town a short time Friday....
Mrs. F. L. Cain and children and Mrs. Cain's brother, Herbert Stuart, spent several days in Shenandoah last week.

[The following items are probably from the Freemont Co. Herald:

Margaret Elizabeth Fletcher was born in Indiana June 1, 1842, and died at her home in Sidney, Iowa, November 11, 1918, at the age of 76 years, five months and 10 days. She came to Sidney with her father, James Fletcher, in 1851, and settled on what is now the James Gray place west of town. In 1862 she was married to T. H. Fimple at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. To this union were born nine children, four dying in infancy, and one, Mrs. Wiet Spittler, passed away in 1898. The living children are Mrs. Alvina Jackson of Denver, Colorado; George Franklin Fimple of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Mrs. Anna Burson and James Fimple of Sidney. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Fimple was married to N. N. Hall in 1898 and moved to Kansas.....

Ruth Keeler was born November 4, 1856 near Sidney, Iowa, and there she spent her early life. On October 26, 1876, she was united in marriage to James H. Copeland. They continued to live in Fremont county about five years, when they moved to Woodbury county. They resided in that and Monona county for some eight years, and spent the next four years in Kansas and Oklahoma. They then returned to Fremont county and after a few years moved to Ames, Iowa. The following few years she spent with the family in Kansas City and Omaha. They then again moved to Ames, and on November 9, 1918 she passed away aged 62 years and five days. She became a member of the Methodist church during the year 1887 and continued a faithful and consistent member until her death. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Copeland, one of whom preceded her to the other world. She is survived by her husband, her son Bert W., and by two daughters, Bessie Copeland and Mrs. Dess Kooser. The funeral was held in the Sidney cemetery on Monday, the service being conducted by Dr. E. Dickinson.

Fremont County