Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
May 3, 1917

Long Time Resident of Fremont County Passed Away After Brief Illness
John H. Sittton died at his residence four miles northwest of Sidney last Saturday at the age of 59 years 2 months and 21 days. The cause of his death was la grippe and other complications. He was sick only a short time, little more than a week, but medical science and all that his family and hosts of friends could no for him was without avail and he passed to that great bourne from which no traveler returns.

John H. Sitton was born in Scott county, Illinois, February 7, 1858. He spent his boyhood and early manhood days there, excepting for a few years spent in Texas. He was married in 1881 to Mary O. Landrith. To this union were born 11 children: nine of whom -- six sons and three daughters -- survive him, as does also the wife and mother. The sons are: Jesse now living in Sidney, Nebraska; Fred of White Sulphur Springs, Montana; Ora, Ray, Albert and Donald, all living in this county. The daughters are Myrtle, Eva and Alice, all still in the home.

He brought his family to Fremont county, Iowa, in 1889, and has had a continuous residence here since that time. He was the son of a Baptist minister, and leaves, besides his immediate family, two brothers -- James Sitton of Jacksonville, Illinois, and Will Sitton of Roodhouse,IIlinois.The deceased spent the last 15 or 20 years of his life in Sidney, following his trade as a baker. He was honest and industrious, and demanded the respect and confidence of all who knew him. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge and also of the Pythian Sisters, in which relation he was true and faithful to his obligations. He was quiet and unassuming in his dispositions and counted his friends by the number of his acquaintances. His motto in life was the golden rule: "All things whatsoever ye would that men should to unto you, do ye even so unto them." The funeral services were held at the Lacy Grove school house, near his home, at 3 o'clock p.m. on Monday, conducted by Rev. J. P. Thomas of the Baptist church of Sidney. The interment was in the Lacy Grove cemetery in that neighbood. The members of the Juanita lodge, Knights of Pythias, of Sidney, had charge of the funeral services. There was a large attendance of members of the lodge and of others, despite the inclement weather and the heavy roads. The school house was filled to overflowing by the friends who desired to pay their last respects to the dead. Vernon Johnson conducted the ritualistic ceremony of the order of the grave. The members of the lodge gave freely of their services during the illness of Mr. Sitton, and looked carefully after his wants and those of the family in their bereavement. It was truly a work of love and friendship, and demonstrated in most vivid manner the beautiful principles of the order.

[transcribed by W.F., February 2008]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
May 17, 1917

Lewis Going West
J.F. Lewis, who has been connected with the Herald for several years as assistant editor, has severed his connection with the paper and is settling up his affairs here preparatory to going to Elkalaka, Montana, where he has an opportunity to purchase a farm and live in the open, which he believes will be better for his health, which has not been very good of late. Mr. Lewis has been a resident of Fremont county for the past twenty years or so, living part of the time at Riverton, where he conducted a photograph gallery until it was destroyed by fire. He also conducted a gallery in Sidney, and was burned out here some years ago, and has been through at least one fire since. The god of fire seems to be his Nemesis. Mr. Lewis is known of all men and women practically, in Fremont county, and has a host of friends who will wish him success in his new field.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2003]


Fremont County