Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
January 4, 1917

Rev. L.B. Worcester, Miss Anna L. Dreyer and F. C. Rosentrater, of the Hephzibah Faith Missionary association of Tabor, were in Sidney Saturday. The first two are the editors of two religious papers published at Tabor by this association, and Mr. Rosentrater is the printer. They came down to inspect the linotype and general equipment of the Herald office, with all of which they were greatly pleased. In addition to the two papers referred to, they print many tracts and do much other printing, and have decided to put in a linotype. On December 7, 1916, Glad Tidings, one of their papers, contained this item: "A widow living in Kansas has started a fund for a linotype for this office. She donated one dollar as the starting of the fund. Who will help by adding to this, and thus lighten the work in the office, and help in the spreading of the gospel?" L.B. Worcester is a son of the late Rev David Worcester, who first came to Fremont county in 1843, when he taught a term of school at McKissick's Grove. In the early '50's he located in Sidney and ran a carding mill on the ground now occupied by the Stich building, where the Herald office was formerly located, and later ran a water mill near Knox and ground corn for the early settlers. He was a cousin of the author of Worcester's dictionary.

[transcribed by W.F., February 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County