Iowa Old Press

Tabor, Fremont Co., Iowa
August 18, 1914

Sidney News
While laying the foundation for the new sheds at the Eclipse lumber yards yesterday, workmen uncovered the bones of a horse. Lot Brown, the local historian, chanced to pass by about that time and gave little enligthenment. Some 51 or 52 years ago a livery barn burned on that corner and a fine sorrel stallion belonging to Captain Hoyt perished. The remains were buried right where the animal fell. "Old Bird" was one of the first thoroughbred horses ever brought to this section and was the pride of the community.

Sidney News
Reese Ellis, deputy county auditor, is up against it. Reese stands for thoroughness in his work, and nothing short of that thing will satisfy. But he is puzzled--puzzled beyond compare, and all on account of this: Over in Walnut township, where live some of the best stockraisers on earth, it is a quite common thing for two farmers to form a partnership and purchase a thoroughbred bull. Of course each owner pays taxes on his half of the animal. In making up the tax books, Reese finds two bulls and a half, but search as he will he can't locate that other half bull. Any information as to its whereabouts will be gratefully received.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2007]

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