Iowa Old Press

Tabor, Fremont Co., Iowa
February 6, 1913

-- Herald: During the campaign last past the one weapon used in attempt to defeat Chairman John D. Ross of the board of supervisors, and which did in fact serve to unseat Supervisor Frank Greene, was a widespread story of the "reckless" manner in which these men had drawn upon the county bridge fund in building concrete bridges and culverts. It was the hue and cry from one end of the county to the other -- how these lavish expenditures could not fail to eventually bankrupt the county.

Now as to the foundation for such a scare: Auditor Jenkins is now engaged in making up copy for his annual report, to be published in pamphlet form as required by law, and in the regular order of computation has reached the bridge fund. The figures show that in 1912 there was expended $6,468.08 less for material and $2,493.99 less for labor than in the preceding year. In round numbers $9,000 less money was used in 1912 than in 1911, and at the same time a large number of permanent bridges were constructed -- bridges that will be in use when the new born babe of yesterday becomes a grandfather.
This paper has no desire to renew battles that are past and gone. The object of this is only to serve as a reminder that before assailing a citizen either in public or private life, it were well to get all the facts. In other words:

"There's so much good in the worst of us
.And so much bad in the best of us.
It ill becomes any one of us
To speak evil of the rest of us."

J. W. Stephens, a former well-known citizen of Fremont county, died January 26 at Crystal City, Texas, where he moved to about a year ago. The body arrived at Hamburg Thursday afternoon and was brought overland to Sidney. Funeral services were held Saturday forenoon at 10:30 o'clock from the Methodist church, conducted by Dr. E. Dickinson, assisted by Rev.ReQua. Interment was in Sidney cemetery. Mr. Stephens was born September 26, 1869, and was in his 44th year. He was married October 14, 1896 to Edith Liggett who survives him, together with three children, two sons aged 14 and 4 respectively and a daughter 12 years old. He is also survived by his aged parents, five brothers and three sisters. The parents and one brother, W. S., live in Sidney; John and Walter in St. Paul; Homer in Fort Collins, Colo.; George and Mrs. Ross Larimore in Virginia; Mrs. C. S.Palm and Mrs. C. A. Piper in Shenandoah.

-Thomas Trewett, who intends to move to near Fort Morgan, Colorado, on March 1st, has traded his garage and machine shop in Sidney for some land at that place.

[transcribed by W.F., October 2006 & April 2008]


Tabor, Fremont Co., Iowa
February 27, 1913

Summit crossing on the Wabash south of Imogene is to be abolished. Citizens of the vicinity are putting the road under the railroad. They have raised $900 by subscription but the work will cost more than that. The Wabash company agrees only to excavate the twelve feet square beneath the track. The excavation will be about 600 feet long, 17 feet deep at lowest point, and 16 feet wide at the bottom. Mr.J. H. Teachout is the moving spirit to the enterprise, so we learn, and George Tompkins is superintending the job. Thus a very dangerous crossing will be removed. It has been the cause of two deaths and any number of near accidents. The danger lay in an abrupt turn in the road close by the track, making it almost impossible for teamsters to see or hear an oncoming train. This crossing is a quarter of a mile north of Summit.--Sentinel Post.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Ellis Celebrate Anniversary
Tuesday, February 25, marked the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Ellis, and in honor of the event their children and near relatives assisted in a proper observance of the day. There were three generations represented, the oldest being 75 years and the youngest one year old. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis were married near Georgetown, Ohio, and have lived in Fremont county 42 years. Mr. Ellis is 75 years of age and his good wife in three years his junior. Both are enjoying fair health and hope to live to enjoy many more anniversaries. As a reminder of this occasion they were presented with several gold coins. One of the enjoyable features was the sumptuous dinner. The relatives present were J. E. Ellis of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Reese B. Ellis of Sidney, Iowa; C. L. Ellis and family; B. E. Mann and family; C. L. Lucas and family.

- Uncle John Phipps who lives east of Farragut has celebrated his 101st birthday
- J.M. St. John has named his fruit farm west of Tabor "Fern Crest"

[transcribed by W.F., October 2006 & April 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County