Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
March 12, 1910

Local News
--W. F. Knappe of Washington township; Mrs. Minnie Juergens of Madison, Wisconsin; Mrs. A. J. Trudeau of Lexington, Nebraska; Mrs. John Lutz; Mrs. F. E.Mann -- all are siblings.
--T. M. Lacy now lives at Burden, Kansas.
--Mrs. Elmer J. Anderson is the sister of Dr. Harry Tweedy of Lebannon, Kansas, and of Claud Tweedy of Tabor.
--L. Wankel's mother has died in Parchiem, Germany.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2006]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
March 18, 1910

Concerning the life and death of Mrs. Susannah Reeves we have gathered the following facts for publication, as promised in our last issue:
Susannah Irwin was born in Meggs (sic) county, Ohio, August 11, 1823, and died at her home in Sidney March 6, 1910, aged 86 years 6 months and 23 days. She grew to young womanhood in her native state and was there married to Elza Armstrong Reeves August 31, 1845. To this union were born three sons, and two daughters, all of whom survive her: Samuel of Otis, Colo.; Hugh of Sidney; Josiah of South Omaha; Mrs. Phoebe Laird of Tabor; Mrs. Clara Burnham of Griswold. All these were present at the death and burial of their mother except Mrs. Burnham. The aged husband departed this life November 2 (sic) of last year at the age of 82. In June 1853 (sic), she came with her husband to Fremont county and has since lived here continuously. Mrs. Reeves was a saintly christian lady, for many years a devout worshipper in the faith of the Methodist church, under whose rites the funeral services were held. Her kindly deeds and cheerful assistance to afflicted ones in years gone by are the strongest testimony of her christian character and will cause her memory to be tenderly cherished for all time to come.

Edward McDonald
Ed McDonald who drank lye with suicidal intent died last Thursday night March 10, after seven days of intense suffering, aged 65 years. Edward McDonald was born September 29, 1845 in Yates county, New York, and came west when 19 years of age and finally settled at Union, Mo., where he met and married Louisa Reynolds in 1885. Five children, one daughter and four sons were born to them, three sons dying.

About 12 years ago Mr. McDonald moved to McKissick's Island south of town and lived there a short time and then moved his family to Hamburg. He was a very hard working man but about two years ago his health began to fail and he became afflicted with melancholy which terminated in unbalancing his mind. He told the neighbors shortly before death that he could not bear the thought of not being able to work and his wife supporting himself and family and resolved to rid them of the encumbrance.

Mr. McDonald carried $1000 life insurance in the Knights and Ladies of Security. The funeral services were held last Sunday at the Christian church of which Mr. McDonald was a member, Rev Bennett of Rockport preaching the sermon. Interment in Hamburg cemetery. Sincere sympathy is expressed for the widow and two children.

- Mrs. Will Slusher is the mother of Mrs. James Jones of St. Joe.
- Miss Edna Carmen of Peru, Neb., attended the funeral of her uncle Edward McDonald, Sunday.
- Mrs. Nellie Travis of Omaha attended the family reunion of her parents M. and Mrs. O. H. Coffey, Sunday.
- Miss Genevieve Skaggs of Alva, Neb., spent the winter with her grandparents John Griswold
- Mrs. Alex Mitchell died March 11. Leaves husband and two little daughters; lived on Dave Swiggart farm west of Hamburg.
- Martha G. Reeves has died.
- At the O. H. Coffey home last Sunday a big dinner was served in a family reunion. Only the members of the immediate family were present and held as a farewell to the son Judson and family who are soon to make their future home in Canada. After dinner a picture of the family group was taken. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Catlett, Henry Clayton, Edward Coffey and family of Riverton, Judson Coffey, wife and son, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Coffey, Tom and Boyce Coffey, Mrs. Hattie Harrington , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Houts , Mrs. Nellie Travis and two daughters of Omaha.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2006 & January 2015]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
March 25, 1910

To Stop an Automobile
Here is where the amateur gets left; anyone can start an auto, but is requires skill to stop one. There is no use to reverse the lever, yell whoa, put the stopcock on and lean back--that don't do it. You must keep your head, maintain your nonchalance, cultivate insouciance, keep an air of indifference, and refrain from flightiness, for you are not running an airship. Firmly, yet gently, pull the doflicker that increases the speed back to the place where it was to begin with, put your foot on the dingfum that touches the thingumbob, press the sockdolager over the button, raise the lever of the non-composmentis until it is in line with the clod buster, unhook the condivias until it ceases to combobolate and then yank the everlasting stuffing out of the wangdoodle.

[transcribed by W.F., January 2015]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County