Iowa Old Press

July 22, 1909

Dropped Dead on the Street
Word by telegram was received in Sidney yesterday conveying the sad inteligence that Stanley Martin, an older brother of Fred and George Martin, had droppped dead on the streets at Kansa City. Detailed information is not to be had at this time. Mr. Martin had been in delicate health for some time, though his condition was not considered critical. The body will be brought back to Fremont county and interment will probably be made in Mt. Zion cemetery where his father and mother are both at rest.

[submitted by W.F., March 2004]


July 23, 1909

Towne - Hatten Wedding
At the home of the bride on North Main street, Hamburg, last Saturday, July 17, occurred the marriage of Miss Verda Hatten to Alexander Towne of Junction City, Kansas, in the presence of a few immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties. Rev. Bruce West performed the ceremony, immediately after which the young couple departed for their future home at Junction City. The bride was born and reared near Hamburg and is a highly esteemd young lady. The groom is a prosperous attorney who practiced in Kansas City for some time but recently removed to his present location.

[submitted by W.F., May 2004]


July 30, 1909

Obituary of Stanley Martin
The funeral services of Stanley Martin who died suddenly in Kansas City on Wednesday of last week, brief mention of which was made in our last issue, were held from Mt. Zion church Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. W. H. Shipman of the Sidney Methodist church assisted by Rev. C. A Marshall of Presbyterian church. A large number of Sidney people were in attendance, including the Methodist choir which conducted the song service, and members of the Modern Woodmen of which deceased had long been a member. Interment was made in Mt. Zion cemetery. Mr. Martin had been in failing health for some years and at the time of his sudden taking away was on his way to Excelsior Springs to seek relief from his ailment. Archelaus Stanley Martin was born in Fremont county, Iowa, August 17, 1864 and was the third son of A. S. and Harriett Martin. He grew to manhood upon the Martin homestead north of town and was united in marriage to Wilhelmina Buher November 25, 1885. To this union were born one son and five daughters, the eldest dying in infancy. After his marriage Mr. Martin purchased and improved the farm north of town now owned by Albert Ward, where he resided until 11 years ago when he moved with his family to Cedar county, Neb. Four years later he again moved, this time to Iola, Kansas, where he resided for six years, moving to Garnett, Kans., which was his home at the time of his death. Mr. Martin had been in delicate health for a number of years and has made an heroic struggle to regain his health and strength but without avail and at last the messenger came, swift and without warning. He left his son's home in Iola in the morning seemingly as well as usual and a few hours later word was received that he was gone. A man honorable, upright and just in all his dealings; of a genial disposition, he counted his friends by his acquaintance; a devoted husband and father, his family cannot measure its great loss. He united with the United Brethren church at Cherry Grove 15 years ago and later placed his membership with the Methodist church of Gas City, Kans. He leaves besides his widow and children three sisters and five brothers all of whom were present at his his funeral except one sister and one brother. His daughters were unable to come. Thus in mid-life has he been taken from us, and we can not ask why; for what is our loss is his eternal gain, all the sufferings that human aid could not reach is stilled and at last "He sleeps well."

[submitted by W.F., March 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County