Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
February 19, 1909

--The home folks of Mrs. J. W. Privett live in Mound City, Mo.
--Mrs. Will Guyer left this week for her new home in Wyoming.
--Frank Calkins moved to Shenandoah on Monday.
--Mrs. Carlotte Lair Roberts of Montrose, Colo., is visiting her parents.
--Miss Blanche Good visited her sister in Mt. Ayr.
--Manley Liggett and two sons Will and Fred, departed Thursday for their ranch in South Dakota.
-- M. M. McBride purchased the property of A. M. Warnstaff just south of the depot.
-- Mesdames John Alberson, Gus Wagner and Frank McBride went to Omaha Saturday and met their sister, Mrs. Ben Franklin enroute from Oregon. This is Mrs. Franklin's first visit to the home of her childhood for 34 years.

Friday of last week ye reporter in company with Sheriff T. C. Harris, took a drive to Bartlett. It was our first trip to that place for some time, yet the village put on the same appearance as in days of yore when we taught school there. Some of the folks who lived there then have moved away to try their fortunes elsewhere. However the majority of those we then knew are still residents of the village and community and are interested in the same vocations of life as they pursued in those times. It is a great pleasure to meet them and talk of bygone days. Hopkins & Johnson are the north side merchants and their place of business seemed to be prosperous. C. H. Harris, the banker and general merchant, gave us that old time welcome and passed his friendship our way. Thornton is the postmaster and keeps a general stock of merchandise and by the way he conducts the only barbershop in town. Fred Rector is the rural carrier and his route give a large number of persons the advantage of daily mail. Rev. Chas. Aitken discussed the church and Sunday school work as progressing in spite of some very hindering circumstances. He has just been elected Sunday school superintendent of the King school two miles east of that place. Bruce Connor is hotel keeper, liveryman and drayman. He contemplates moving to a farm in the spring. William Eyler is the blacksmith and carpenter of the village. Bartlett has some advantages over other points along the K. C. railroad and the interests of these should not go by default. Unfortunately, the crops of that vicinity have suffered greatly for the past five years from high water, but this season may be an exception and the tiller of the soil will once more take his place with the bond holder.

-- Mrs. Lee Schooley is visiting with her daughter Mrs. James Dyke.
-- Miss Hattie Troth of Pacific Junction Sundayed with her sister Mrs. F. B. Steele.
-- Elmer Holloway of Sidney was visiting with his brother H. M. Holloway last week.
-- Mrs. Oliver Chambers is visiting with her mother at Herman, Nebraska.
-- Joseph Woods of Wyoming is visiting with his brother-in-law Fred Rector.
-- Mrs. Harry Morgan went to Kansas City, Kansas Saturday to spend a few days with her son F. H. Morgan.
-- Rev. W. E. Haden of the Latter Day Saints church conducted the funeral services of Mr. Namann Hubbell Sunday at the Christian church.

Pleasant Grove
-- Mrs. Myrtle Christensen is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. C. White.
-- Miss Harriett Yates spent Saturday and Sunday in our neighborhood. She is teaching the Ledgewood school.

[transcribed by WF, November 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County