Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
May 14, 1908

Mrs. Reeves Called Home
The SUN chronicles the death of Mrs. Reeves, beloved wife and companion of Col. B. Reeves, her death occurring at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Davis, at Hamburg, Iowa, Friday evening at 11 o'clock
p.m. May 8th 1908. Mrs. Reeves had for two years or more been a sufferer from organic heart disease, which was the casue of her demise after a last sickness of about two months duration. Col. Reeves had recently purchased a fine home in Hamburg in which himself and wife had planned to remove to and were moving there when she was taken so badly sick that she was taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Davis. Col. Reeves and wife have been residents of the county for over 40 years and were among the early pioneers, witnessing the growth and development from a wild unsettled state, and have hosts of friends who feel with deep sorrow the loss of Mrs. Reeves. All who knew mother Reeves speak of her as a friend 'indeed' to any friends or sufferer in need, and who always gave largely of her strength and love to her loved ones. The stricken husband, three daughters, Mrs. Davis of Hamburg, Mrs. Borchers and Mrs. Birkby of Nebraska City, Nebraska, two sons, T. B. and B. P. residing near Hamburg, survive to mourn the loss of a beloved wife and loving mother, also two sisters, Mrs. Givens and Mrs. Payne, old residents of the county mourn the loss of a beloved sister, who with many life-time friends hope again to be reunited in love, in that better land where there is no more death or partings, but where there is life everlasting and perfect peace and rest. The funeral services were held at the Davis residence in Hamburg on Monday, May 11, after which interment was made in the Hamburg cemetery. Many old time friends from Sidney desired to attend the funeral, but were prevented by the storm.

--The work on Farragut's new brick hotel is moving along nicely
--Mrs. Eugene Ripley of Fort Morgan, Colorado, is the sister of Miss Wilma Higgins of Walnut township
--Mrs. N. B.Shultz's daughter Mrs. Jessie Clark lives at Walter, Oklahoma

[transcribed by W.F., May & July 2006]


Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
May 21, 1908

Roy Sitton, one of Whipple's bridgemen, met with a very painful accident last Monday. While engaged in unloading piling a large heavy one became dislodged and rolling down and caught Roy's hand crushing one finger pretty badly and splintering the bone.

Mr. Marshall was buried in Sidney a short time ago. Two of his infant children from Tarkio will be buried next to him

Elmer Thatcher's 35th birthday was May 17, 1908.

[transcribed by W.F., May & July 2006]


Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
May 28, 1908

Mrs. Carrie Mitchell died at Sedalia, Mo., at the home of her daughter, Mrs.May Evans, on Wednesday, May 20, 1908, aged 70 years. Funeral services were held at Sedalia, and interment at Indianola, Nebraska. Mrs. Mitchell will be remembered by the older Sidney people, as this was her home before her marriage. She was formerly Miss Carrie VanEaton.

TAKE A HAND, by Rev. Geo. C. Hicks, LL.D

When the hosts of right shall flag,
And her soldiers, heartless, lag--
.........TAKE A HAND.
Throw yourself into the fray.
Chase the ranks of wrong away.
Cheer your comrades, win the day--
.........TAKE A HAND.

When you see your kind oppressed.
Swear their wrongs shall be redressed--
.........TAKE A HAND.
Drag to light the despot's wrongs,
Strike dismay into his throngs.
Shout for justice, sing her songs--
........TAKE A HAND.

When triumphant seems the wrong,
And its haughty champions strong,
.........TAKE A HAND.
Know that truth shall always win.
Virtue ever conquer sin.
Lost no fight where God hath been--
..........TAKE A HAND.

Stand for every righteous cause:
Stand forGod--defend His laws--
...........TAKE A STAND.
Keep your warrior's armor bright,
Keep your soul with truth alight,
Let no foe your soul affright--
............TAKE A STAND.

Tho the world may smile or frown,
Thop it wish you no renown--
............TAKE A STAND.
Tho you're mocked by scornful foes--
Only God your motive knows.
Time your triumph shall disclose--
.............TAKE A STAND.

Howard - Godwin
John Howard and Tabitha Godwin, both of Sidney, were united in marriage on Thursday May 21, 1908, at the M. E. Parsonage by Rev. W. H. Shipman. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Howard. The bride is the second daughter of James Godwin, of Sidney, the engineer on the Sidney-Hastings branch, of the C. B. & Q. Road. The newly married couple expect to live on a farm east of town.

[transcribed by W.F., May 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County