Iowa Old Press

The Fremont County Herald
Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
March 6, 1908

It is a sad mission for a newspaper to chronicle the death of an individual. It seems doubly sad when a strong man is cut down in the prime of life when the days of his hope and usefulness are at their height. It is only in fulfillment of the scriptural injunction that "It is appointed unto man once to die," etc. It comes to the human race no matter in what station of life one may be called. It has entered our city and taken from us one of our well known and highly esteemed citizens. It has removed a former active man from the medical profession of Sidney It has cast a gloom over our city.

Samuel O. DeFreece was born ten miles south of Rock Port, Atchison county, Missouri, March 26, 1859, and was the son of Moses and Sophia DeFreece. He came with his parents to Sidney township, Fremont county, Iowa, when 7 years of age and here passed the period of adolescence as most farmer boys do attending district school and assisting with the chores. Later he concluded to enter professional life and began the necessary preparation for teaching school which work he followed about one year. His pedagogical labors were not to his liking so he turned his attention to the study of medicine and graduated from Saint Joseph Medical College, Saint Joseph, Missouri, at the age of about 24. He began to practice at Corning, Missouri, but for more than twenty years he was located in Sidney and his practice was extensive and he was thoroughly in love with his profession and continued to administer to the sick and afflicted long after his own health was badly broken.

On March 26, 1890, Mr. DeFreece was united in marriage to Miss May Furbush, daughter of J. B. Furbush, and to them six children were born, five of whom are living. Their names are: Austin, Gerald, Mildred, Hobart and Lyman. He also leaves to mourn, his parents, Moses DeFreece and wife, Sidney, Iowa; W. M. DeFreece, Riverton, Iowa; Annie E. Wade, who is now in New Mexico; J. J. DeFreece, Parnell, Missouri; L. R. DeFreece, Sidney, Iowa; G. T. DeFreece Sidney, Iowa; S. A. DeFreece, Sidney, Iowa; R. E. DeFreece, Baker City, Oregon; Pete DeFreece, Latham, Kansas, brothers and sister of the deceased.

The failure of health began to manifest itself about three years ago and he consulted specialists at Omaha and Kansas City and tried the medicinal properties of Excelsior Springs, but all availed no permanent relief. Only a few days ago he took his bed and grew rapidly worse until the end came on Wednesday, March 4, 1908 at 10:15 a.m., from the disease known as "fatty degeneration of the heart." At times his suffering was great, but he stood it heroically and no one knew better than he the result of his malady.

Deceased held many positions of trust and responsibility, namely: member of school board of which he was president for several years; a member of the pension board for Fremont county; coroner of the county, and medical examiner for several life insurance companies. He was a charter member of Juanita Lodge No. 227, Knights of Pythias, also Sidney Camp No. 336, Modern Woodmen of America, and under the beautiful ritualistic ceremony of these societies all that was mortal of their brother and neighbor was laid to rest in our silent city of the dead.

The funeral services were held from the home this Friday at 2:30 p.m. by Dr. E. Dickinson and Rev. C. A. Marshall of the Presbyterian church. The choir being composed of members of the different choirs. The school board met Wednesday evening and drafted appropriate resolutions out of respect for his valuable work for education. The floral offerings were quite profuse and of special designs. Many kindly words are spoken of which each and all are tokens of esteem and a flower to his memory.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2009]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
March 6, 1908

Was born in East Virginia on the 14th of July 1847. She died on the 2nd of March 1908, aged 60 years 7 months and 18 days. In the month of September 1866, being then 19 years old, she was married to Mr. Daniel P. Smith and with her husband moved to Fremont county, Iowa, 35 years ago. She was the mother of eleven children, six boys and five girls. Of these, one boy and one girl preceded her into the shadowy land.
On the 9th of March, 1894, her husband passed away. For almost five years she remained a widow, being married again on the 2nd day of December 1899 to Mr. C. P. Thompson with whom she was living at the time of her death. Besides Mr. Thompson, nine of her children by her first husband, all of whom but two are married, and three step-sons are left to mourn her loss. Mrs. Thompson died of goitre of the neck, having suffered therewith for about 32 years.

In early life she gave her heart to the Savior, being baptized into the Wesleyan Methodist church, but in the year 1885 in a meeting held at Liberty she united with the Christian church and subsequently moving to Riverton, took membership with the church at that place. Her end was peace. The funeral took place from the Riverton Christian church on Tuesday afternoon, the 3rd instant, the pastor, Eld. H. A. Pallister, assisted by Rev. Fred Harris, of the M. E. church, conducting the services.

[transcribed by W.F., June 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County