Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
February 7, 1908

Percival News
Died, at her home one mile south and one and on-half miles east of Percival, Mrs. Ed Moneghan at 12:50 January 31, 1908, at the advanced age of 77 years 5 months and 18 days. Mrs. Moneghan had been in poor helath since the first of January, having a complication of stomach and heart trouble. Cathrine McGrath was born near New Ross, County Wexford, Ireland, August 13, 1830, and came to Toronto, Canada, in the year 1859, from there going to Boston, Mass., from which place she came to Nebraska City in the year 1866. It was here she met Edward Moneghan and they were united in marriage February 26, 1868, and lived there until the following December, when they came to Percival and located on their farm, from which her remains were carried back to Nebraska City Monday, February 3, and after funeral services at the Catholic church, of which the deceased had been a life long member, were laid to rest in St. Mary's cemetery, services being conducted by Father Roach. The pall bearers were Mark, Morrow, J. P. Wingert, Henry Daily, Al King and George and Dan Graham. Many beautiful flowers bore the must testimony of the esteem in which she was held by her friends. The deceased leaves an aged husband, with whom she has journeyed hand in hand for 40 years, lacking 26 days, and three children, Kate E., Thomas J. of Percival, and Sister Teresa Joseph, of Prescott, Arizona, to mourn the loss of a faithful companion and devoted mother. The family have the sympathy of their many friends in this hour of sorrow.

Local News
--A nine pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Swanson at Upham, N. D., January 13, Mrs. Swanson will be remembered here as Miss Bernice Acord......
--Mrs.Clarissa Ross of Green township, an old time resident of Fremont county, died last Friday. The body was laid to rest in the cemetery near the Green farm.....
--David Criswell, formerly a well known resident of this county, died January 11th at his home in Granite Falls, Washington. Mr. Criswell was a native of Pennsylvania, born in Venango county June 8, 1841. He served through the civil war in a Pennsylvania regiment. He leaves a widow, one daughter and four sons.....
.--Rev. Orville F. Howard and Miss Blanche Gwynn were married at the home of the bride's parents in Shenandoah Wednesday morning, February 5. The ceremony was performed in the presence of about 75 relatives and friends. The happy young people went immediately to Davis City where they will make their home. Rev. Orville Howard is well known and very highly esteemed in Sidney. He has a host of friends here who join in wishing him and his bride a long and happy life together.

[transcribed by W.F., May 2004 & February 2006]


February 21, 1908

Mrs. Matt O'Brien, after weeks of suffering, passed away at her home near Ninth street and FirstCorso, at 11:35 Saturday morning, the direct cause of her death being a tumor of the brain. She has been sick ever since the later part of last November and was taken to a hospital at Council Bluffs, remaining until she was assured that her disease was beyond the skill which that institution afforded and that her lost health could not be restored. She requested that she be brought back home, where she has been ever since with her life hanging by so slender a thread that each day was thought to be the last. A few days ago the brave and resigned women realized that death was now near and passed peacefully away Saturday morning, with the members of the family present. The maiden name of the deceased was Bridget Quinn and she was born in Dundee, Scotland, April 7, 1850, and in 1869 came to this country with her parents locating in Fremont county, Iowa. She was married June 21, of the same year to Matt O'Brien and to this union eleven chidlren were born, seven of whom are now living, Mrs. John Head, Matt O'Brien and Mrs. Tom Gilmore, of Imogene, Iowa; Charles, of Percival, Iowa; James, Theresa and Agnes, of this city. Mrs. Matt O'Brien was a woman, who in the short two years she had resided here, had endeared herself to many friends who will ever hold her memory in reverence and love. She was a devout church woman of the Catholic faith and whose life lived out its teachings. Her loss will fall deeply on those left behind. The funeral services will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Mary's Catholic church. Father Roache will officiate, assisted by Father John of Shenandoah, Iowa, and Father Coraher, of David City. The interment will be made at St. Mary's cemetery. --Nebraska City Press.

[transcribed by W.F., May 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County