Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
December 3, 1908

On Tuesday December 1st occurred one of the most important events in the history of Sidney. On that day or evening rather, the long looked for electric lights were turned on and for the first time in her history, Sidney's streets were well lighted. We now have in Sidney, backed by Sidney's enterprising business men, one of the best lighting systems to be found in any town of its size in this or any other state. One that Sidney's people may well be proud of. The work, under the efficient management of Harry B. Day, has been pushed from start to finish, as fast as material could be gotten on the ground. When the building was started Mr. Day said, barring accidents he would have the plant ready for business by Dec. 1st. And though a part of the mechanism for the plant had been lost in transit and failed to arrive, Mr. Day was true to his word and turned on the lights at the time agreed on. Belated citizens will no longer be obliged to stumble along in the darkness or carry greasy foul-smelling lanterns. Sidney has come out of the darkness into the light.

Hamburg News
Miss Grace Bennett and Mr. Elmer White were united in marriage at high noon Thanksgiving day at the home of the bride's parents. A nice wedding dinner was served. Only a few were present to witness the ceremony. In the evening at 8 o'clock a reception was given to her Sunday school class and teacher. A nice luncheon was served. At 9 o'clock several members of the Royal Neighbor Lodge joined in the crowd and an enjoyable time was had by all present. The bride and groom received a number of beautiful presents, among them a berry spoon, a gift of the Royal Neighbor Lodge and a beautiful silver meat fork; a gift of the Sunday school class. They will make their home for the present with her parents.
--Elton H. King, aged 27 and Mabel I. Kent, aged 21.
--Chester Ollie Lyons, aged 20, married Omah Jane Branic, aged 18; on Nov. 29, 1908; both are from Farragut.

[transcribed by W.F., May & July 2006]


Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
December 3, 1908

Reunion of the Maxwell Family

A happy family reunion took place last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A .J. Maxwell west of Sidney. There were present the four daughters: Mrs. Lillian Roberts, Mrs. Clara Yowell of Ashland, Nebr., Mrs. Della Taylor of Hamburg and Mrs. Ollie Gilbert of Hastings, Neb., with their husbands, W. H. Roberts., J.J. Yowell,
Cal Taylor and Harry Gilbert, and Frank, the only son. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Yowell were also present. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwelll are comfortably located in their neat new home and the Herald hopes they may live long to enjoy it.

Died at her home in Sidney, Iowa, December 20, 1907, at 10:30 o'clock a.m. Martha Ann Hiatt, wife of Joseph Hiatt, Sr., at the age of 73 years, 11 months and 8 days. Martha Ann Estes was born January 12, 1834 in Andrew county, Missouri near Savannah, where she spent her girlhood days until she was 16 years old when she was united in marriage to Joseph Hiatt of Peoria county, Illinois. Two years later, in the year 1851, they pushed toward the frontier, coming to Fremont county, then a veritable wildnerness, and homesteaded a tract of land two miles north of Sidney. Here they started life's career, hewing their home
from the forest and delving their living from the soil of the rich uplands. Here they toiled and labored together unceasingly until fortune smiled upon them and the rough hewn log hut was torn away and replaced by a commodious two-story modern dwelling. On the old homestead they dwelt for 60 years and here they reared
their unusually large family, 17 children in all being born to them, 15 of whom are still living: (1) Mrs. William Roberts, (2) Mrs. Ike Palmer and (3) Col. J. Hiatt all of Nebraska; (4) Mrs. Sarah Bailey of California; (5) Mrs. Hans Porter of South Africa; (6) Mrs. W. B. Pickens of Thurman, Iowa; (7) James M. Hiatt of Kansas; (8) George R., (9) Otis D. and (10) Oscar Hiatt all of Sidney; (11) Mrs. Howard Mintle of Glenwood, Iowa; (12) Mrs. Eugene Stiles, (13) Mrs. M. M. Thornton, (14) Mrs. W. S. Jordan and (15) Mrs. Art Carter all of Sidney.
Besides these children and the aged husband, deceased leaves to mourn her loss 63 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Also six brothers and sisters: (1) F. M. Estes of Sidney; (2) Milton Estes of Texas; (3) Hardin Estes of Oregon; (4) Joel Estes of Colorado; (5) Mrs. Ruffner of Colorado; and (6) Mrs. Sarah Hiatt of
Hamburg. Mrs. Hiatt became a member of the Methodist church at the age of 18 years and later united with the Baptist church of which denomination she was a faithful member until her death, always attending and assisting in the services until she became too decrepid and feeble. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church Sunday, December 22 at 2:30 p.m., Rev. J. J. Schuler having charge of the services. The sermon was delivered by Rev. E. Dickinson. Interment was made in the family lot in the Sidney cemetery.
The faithful and loving wife, the affectionate, loving mother, the kind, hospitable and charitable friend and neighbor will be cherished in the memory of many forever. Many a wayfarer in the earlier days has partaken of her food and found shelter from the inclement weather under her hospitable roof, and many a sick
neighbor has found relief and comfort in her kindly words of cheer, her ministry and her prayers. If kindly deeds were jewels, then her crown is beautifully bedecked with thousands of radiant gems.

Mr. George W. Page has been called upon to meet one of the heaviest blows of adversity that can come to venerable man, the loss of his wife, his faithful companion for five years more than half a century. She died at her residence in Sidney Friday, December 20, at about 1:00 o'clock p.m. after a short illness of a little more than a day, the result of a decline however that had been progressing for several years. Mary Ann VanNess was born in Ohio May 22, 1834. Her family moved to Illinois when she was 4 years old. She was married to George W. Page at Georgetown, Ill., in 1852. They moved to Iowa in 1854 and came to Fremont county in 1859. They went that year to Kansas, but on account of the drought returned in 1860 to Fremont county were they have lived ever since. Mr. Page served for three years during the war under General Steel and Canby in the west, and a number of his comrades acted as pall bearers. They raised a large family. Mrs. Page joined the Methodist Episcopal church in 1857, and the funeral services were held in that church in Sidney Sunday morning, December 22, conducted by the pastor. Mrs. Page is mourned by a large circle of relatives, but especially by the aged husband who enters the new year in a lonely home. His services to the country in its hours of darkest need and this severe affliction will command for him the truest sympthy of this community.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2003]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
December 10, 1908

-Joseph Bonney, aged 22, and Frances McWilliams, aged 16.
-Fred Hutchison married Lulu Newlon last Thursday in Omaha
-D.A. Rupp was married 45 years ago as of next Monday, in Monmouth, Illinois

[transcribed by W.F., July 2006]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
December 17, 1908

- Floyd T. Bloom, aged 21, and Wilma Higgins, aged 20.
-Fred Powers, aged 21, and Edith Mortimore, aged 20
-Walter M. Sheer, aged 27, and Pearl Perry, aged 16; were married Saturday Dec. 12, 1908 in Sidney.

[transcribed by W.F., July 2006]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
December 24, 1908

Riverton News
Richard English married Hazel Andrews last Sunday

Anderson News
Walter Faubion married Bertha Ward on Dec. 23, 1908.

[transcribed by W.F., July 2006]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
December 25, 1908

-- Miss Ora Dunn of Prairie township is attending school at Stewart, Iowa.
-- Lewis Gaylord who has lived about 4 miles south of Tabor will move to his farm near Lamoni in Decatur county.
-- Joseph Hiatt is the father of Mrs. Charles Colbert of Glenwood.
-- D.S.F. Hogsett lives in Kit Carson County, Colorado; had lived at Riverton.
-- George O. Stitt of Farragut is the brother of Frank Stitt of Sidney

[transcribed by W.F., August 2006]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
December 31, 1908

William Fredericksen married Edith Trewet in Omaha on Dec. 23, 1908.

[transcribed by W.F., July 2006]

Fremont County