Iowa Old Press

Fremont County Herald
Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
August 7, 1908

The death of Andrew Johnson at his home one miles south of Anderson removes one of the very early settlers of Fremont county as he came here about 1855, and after working on farms in the vicinity of Sidney for a few years he went west and in 1864 was at Virginia City, Montana, but remained there only a short time when he returned to Iowa and on February 1, 1868 was united in marriage to Elizabeth Thompson and by this marriage five children were born to them. Deceased was a native of Gothamburg, Sweden, he dating his birth back to December 10, 1833. When 13 years of age he came to America and began the struggle of life without means but by hard work and close application to duty and strict accounting of affairs, he succeeded in gaining a considerable amount of land and other property which gave him a sufficient
abundance of this world's goods. As an honest and truthful man his reputation was good. For several years his health has been very poor from the effects of a stroke of paralysis and doubtless his demise was the result of the disease. He died Aug. 5, 1908 and his funeral was held yesterday at 4 o'clock p.m. from the Methodist church in this city, the sermon being preached by the pastor. Rev. W. H. Shipman, who spoke from the 6th chapter of Galations and 9th verse. The church choir sang a few appropriate hymns. The pallbearers were; Charles Martin, W. F. Otte, Wm. Egloff, W. B. Miller, Frank Martin and Charles Otte. Interment in the Sidney cemetery.

[transcribed by D. H-S., July 2008]


Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
August 7, 1908

Last Thursday A. F. Woodard sold three $2,400 automobiles in Tabor, one to E. C. Brackney, a former resident of Sidney township, one to Arthur McMahill, and one to Warren Gregory. The machines are all the same make and pattern, the only difference in them is that Mr. Gregory went the other fellow $40 better and put a fine speedometer on his machine.

M. Inman of Prairie township purchased a new Maxwell touring car, in Omaha.

[transcribed by W.F., June 2006]


Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
August 13, 1908

85th Milestone
Tuesday, August 11, l908 was the 85th birthday of Mrs. Susan Reeves, beloved wife of Hon. Elza Reeves of Sidney, Iowa. These hale old people, the wife now 85 and husband 81 years respectively, were born in the state of Ohio, grew to manhood and womanhood, were married there, and one son, our well known citizien, Samuel Reeves, was born to them there. There are in this family five children, all of whom are living and the quality of their citizenship speaks volumes in praise of the careful training of high-minded and God-fearing parents. On June 23, 1853, Mr. and Mrs. Reeves removed to Fremont county and have continuously resided here ever since. Coming to the county in the first days of its development they suffered many hardships of the early pioneer. But the greatest hardship and the one calling for the highest moral courage and noblest purpose was that endured by the enlistment of Father Reeves in the army where he served his country vailiantly for four years during the Civil War. To sacrifice his best years to service of country, to leave wife and children and home, required the highest moral courage and spirit of self sacrifice on his part. But think of the privation, temptations and severe hardships endured by this noble wife and mother who had the care of a family of five children and left alone to battle for them at home. After all recounting of brave deeds on the part of the heroic soldier, yet we believe that the wife or mother left at home was the bravest after all. All honor to those brave hearts who were left behind to care for the children, endure the toil and responsibility while any day they may receive word of the death or fatal wounding of their best loved one at the front.
Mrs. Reeves is one of those strong minded, highly intelligent aged mothers who is regarded in this community by all who know her in the highest personal esteem and veneration. Would that this country had had more mothers of the worth and high character of Mother Reeves. We extend to Mrs. Reeves our heartiest congratulations upon her reaching this advanced age and hope she may live yet many more years and enjoy the love of husband, children and friends.
While on his recent trip to Auburn, Indiana, Sam Chambers purchased a new Kiblinger automobile. They are a good machine and Mr. Chambers will have one of the best runabouts in this locality.

It is said that two more of our young men are contemplating the purchase of autombiles in the near future. An auto is a very nice thing, but for a moonlight drive we prefer a good gentle, well broke team, and the slower the better.

[transcribed by W.F., Nov. 2003 & June 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County