Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
April 9, 1908

Tyner - Styles
At the home of E. E. Eaton at Sidney, Iowa, on April 8, 1908, occurred the marriage of Mr. Charles Tyner of Monroe township and Miss Lillian Mae Stiles of Randolph, Rev.E. Dickinson speaking the solemn words that united their hearts and lives "for better or worse, to love and cherish in sickness and health, until death do them part." The young people come from the very best families of the county and have a host of friends.
The Sun wishes them a happy voyage on the "sea of life."

McCall - Susanka
A quiet, but very pretty wedding took place at the cozy home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Starr on Fillmore at Thursday evening April 2, at five o'clock when Mr. Lemuel C. McCall and Miss Ethel E. Susanka were united in marriage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. C. A. Marshall of the Presbyterian church.
The contracting parties were both from Essex, Iowa, where they are well and favorably known.
The groom, who is a brother of Mrs.Starr, drives a rural route from Essex and is a young man of worth and standing in that community. The bride is a beautiful and accomplished young lady. The bride was dressed in a dainty white costume, while the groom wore the usual black. After the ceremony all were invited to the dining room to partake of a elegant dinner, the table being very attractively arranged with china, cut glass and silver.
The wedding party departed Friday morning for Essex, where Mr.and Mrs. McCall will immediately go to housekeeping. The best wishes of their friends attend them.

A happy wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Newlon Wednesday night, April 8. It was the marriage of their daughter, Margaret, to Harry J. Fichter of Randolph. A large company of guests filled the house to overflowing, including many from a distance. The home was carefully and tastefully decorated for the occasion. The bride looked wonderfuly attractive in her white wedding gown, and the groom a manly youth, evidently valued the charming vision at its full worth. To the jubilant strains of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" they took their place under a beautifully ornamented bower and assumed from the bride's pastor, Rev. W. H. Shipman, the solemn vows that made them one for life. The tables had been skilfully decorated for the wedding feast and the guests sat down to a repast that satisfied the most exacting palate. It was a most happy occasion, most skilfully prepared and most successfully carried out. The young couple go to their home on the groom's farm near Randolph bearing with them the heartiest good wishes of a host of friends.
"In the spring
.."The radiant iris changes on the burnished dove.
"In the spring
.."A young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love."

Clement A. Robbins, aged 27, and Elizabeth Ricketts, aged 23.
Ellis Porter, aged 22, and Delia E. Sligar, aged 18.

Porter - Sligar
The Presbyterian manse was the scene of a happy social event on Wednesday morning April 8, 1908.
Mr. Ellis Porter, and Miss Delia Sligar both of this vicinity were united in marriage. Rev.C. A. Marshall speaking the words that united their lives. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Lena Sligar, as bride's maid, and Mr. Earl Statten served as groomsman. The short, yet beautiful and solemn words of the wedding service were soon spoken and two lives were made one. Both bride and groom are well and favorably known and have a wide circle of friends in this community, whose best wishes go with them. After the ceremony the young people departed on the morning train for Silver City, Ia., where they expect to spend a few days with friends.
Amanda E. Ballard was born April 11, 1835, and died at the home in Sidney, Fremont county, Iowa, on March 30, 1908. She was united in marriage to M. L. Carl, June 4, 1857 at Trenton, Iowa, moving with her husband to Sidney in the year 1866, where they have since resided. She was the mother of eight children, six of whom survive her, namely, J. F. of Brighton, Colorado; C. O., St. Louis, Mo.; S. B., Sidney, Iowa; Ed. E., Bellvile, Ilinois; Minnie M. Pierce, Holdrege, Neb.; and Nellie J. Carl, Sidney, Iowa, together with her bereaved husband, M. L. Carl. She united with the Baptist church when quite young, and was a faithful and consistent follower in the steps of her Lord until her death. The funeral services were conducted at the house on April 1st at 4 p.m. by the Rev. John J. Schuler, her pastor, and interment in Sidney cemetery.

OBITUARY - Death of James M. Wilson
On Thursday April 2, 1908, at 12:30 p.m., occurred the death of J. M. Wilson, well known in Sidney and Fremont county. Mr. Wilson was a strong appearing man and his death was a great surprise to many. Only a few weeks ago he was about the streets at his usual calling and apparently well, excepting a slight cough. But it seems that he was afflicted by a disease he was unconscious of, and when once he gave up to his illness his affliction, Bright's disease, was in an alarming state. All that the best medical skill, and loving care and tender nursing could accomplish seemed of no avail, and after a short illness he succumbed to the call of the great grim reaper. Mr. Wilson was born in the state of Illinois March 4, 1846, coming to Fremont county in the year 1865, residing here for about three years then going west, and the greater part of his life he spent in Colorado and on the Pacific Slope. He returned to Sidney about three years ago to aid in caring for his aged parents,and was a most kind and son to them in their declining years. Mr. Wilson was a man of kindly and loving disposition, loving little children, by whom he was a general favorite, and will not only be greatly misssed by hosts of friends and acquaintances but especially by his children friends. James M. Wilson was the son of T. J. Wilson and wife, now late deceased, of Sidney, Ia. Was born in Schuyler county, Illinois, March 4, 1846, died at Sidney, Iowa, April 2, 1908. He was married in the year 1872 to Emma Griffin and to this union was born three sons, Ralph, Thomas and Howard now residing in the West. He is survived by his sons, a father, T. J. Wilson, and brothers and sisters as folllows: Mrs. Manzella Yowell, Mrs. A. J. Howard, Fred B. Wilson, John P. Wilson, T. I. Wilson, Servanion Wilson, Mrs. E. A. Engleke and Mrs. G. M. Waterman.
The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Rev W. Shipman of the Sidney M. E. church and interment in the Sidney cemetery.

[transcribed by W.F., July 2006]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
April 23, 1908

Chester D. Reed, aged 19, son of John Reed; married Minnie Taylor, aged 18, daughter of Robert Taylor; married last Sunday.

[transcribed by W.F., July 2006]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
April 30, 1908

J. J. Saner, aged 25, and Margaret Lauglin, aged 24.

[transcribed by W.F., July 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County