Iowa Old Press

October 4, 1907

In the district court of Iowa, in and for Fremont county, October term, 1907.
Arcadia Baldwin, O. O.Baldwin, Ed Baldwin, W. L. Baldwin, Charles Baldwin, Eva M. Estes and Mamie Baldwin (Later said to be the sole and only heirs at law of B. M. Baldwin, deceased.), PLAINTIFFS.
C. M. Armstrong -- Cyrus M. Armstrong -- E. R. Alexander and Eva, his wife -- Emma Alexander -- K. W. Alexander -- Lena M. Alexander

F. M. Belton, and Charity E., his wife -- E. A. Briggs -- Eliza A. Briggs -- Eliza M. Briggs -- J. M. Briggs -- Jesse Briggs -- John M Briggs -- Lucinda Briggs -- Lucy Briggs, and Jesse E. Briggs -- Lucy A. Briggs, Sen. -- W. W. Briggs -- W.W. Briggs, Jr. and Nancy E. Briggs, and D. O. Briggs -- William Briggs

James Campbell and Addie B., his wife -- F. H. Carraher -- Francis H. Carraher

Jennie Dean -- J. M. Doss -- John M. Doss -- Sally Doss -- Sarah Doss

A. Fletcher and Sarah Fletcher, his wife -- Abraham Fletcher -- H.M. Freeman

A.C. Hall and Laura E., his wife -- A. Harvey and wife -- Smilda Heath and D. B. Heath, her husband, and Reuben Alexander -- William M. Holloway -- Lizzie Holmes and husband -- H. M. Hurley

Martha Legon -- George W. Lucas and wife

Henry P. Martin -- Thomas Martin -- Thomas P. Martin and wife -- James L. Mitchell

William M. Parrott -- D. McFarland Paul -- Robert Percival -- James and Marniva V. Poore his wife -- Charity Prather -- T. F. Prather and Charity Prather

Wm. C. Sipple -- Alice N. Solleder and husband

Alexander Wilson -- Eliza Wilson -- H. H. Wilson -- Isah Wilson -- Isaih Wilson and wife -- John Wilson -- AND --

of the following real estate: (Land in sections 22, 23, 26, 27, 35, all in township 70 range 43).

The following is the report of the Possum Valley school, district NO. 21, Sidney township for the month beginning September 3 and ending September 28:

Blanch Briley: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll
Mary Briley: Honor Roll
Scott Briley: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll
Bessie Freeman: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll
Burlie Freeman: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll
Milo Freeman: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll
Zenna Freeman: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll
Belva Langston: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll
Lawrence Langston: Honor Roll
Wilmoth Langston: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll
Edith Lockett: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll
Emma Lockett: Neither absent nor tardy; HonorRoll
Mabel Lockett: Honor Roll
Myrtle Lockett: Neither absent nor tardy ; Honor Roll
Clifford Miller: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll
Elizabeth Watts: Neither absent nor tardy; Honor Roll

Twelve Years Ago This Week
Under this heading we will reproduce a few important items from the files of the Herald during its first year under the present management just as a reminder of days gone by:

-Prof. McIntire assisted by Prof. Stich and Messrs. Scanland, Moomaw and Hatten, will give a fine concert at Nishna Valley church Saturday evening, October 5, exercises to commence at 8 o'clock. [Transcribers note: McIntire, the postmaster at Sidney, for a number of years held singing schools throughout Fremont county; Stich, a Sidney photographic 'artist', led a band in Sidney.--W.F.]

-Joseph Webster returned this week to Sidney. Joe brings with him a record of which he may be proud. He played three games with Indianola's Champions without an error land got the onlh home-run of the series.

-In the matter of the condemnation of the old fair grounds for park purposes, the case was submitted to a jury Saturday for the purpose of fixing the valuation per acre, and after hearing the evidence the price per acre was fixed at $40, and on payment of $660 the title of the old fair grounds will rest in the town of Sidney......The case of the town of Sidney --VS-- C. M. and G. V. Swearingen in the matter of the street leading into the old fair grounds was tried to the court yesterday, and submitted. The town claims it as a public street by dedication, having been used as such for more than 25 years. The town wins.

Minutes of the Board of Supervisors: ....That the auditor be and hereby is authorized to cancel the taxes of 1906 against Cyrus Round, Riverton township, on account of his being an old soldier, worth less than $600....

On Saturday evening September 28, at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Malcom in Prairie township, a very nice surprise party was held in honor of their daughter Cora's 18th and Mabel Gordon's 21st birthday anniversaries. Various games and music furnished entertainment until midnight when a splendid two-course lap super was nicely served by the Misses Cora Gordon and Nellie Kinglsolver and Mrs. Malcom. Each of the birthday cakes contained a ring, a dime and a darning needle. The Misses Cora Gordon and Mary Poulsom were lucky enough to find the rings, Lulu Magel and Nellie Roberts the coins and Goldie Newlon and Frank Magel the darning needles. This completed the evening's enjoyment and the guests departed well pleased with the hospitality shown by Mr. and Mrs. Malcom and wishing the young ladies happy times on many such future occasions. The following is a list of those present: Myrtle Anderson, Wilbur Baker, Blanch Carl, Worth Carl, Ada Chapman, Lucius Eskew, Clyde Goodner, Mary Goodner, Mina Goodner, Willie Goodner, Cora Gordon, Jess Gordon, Mabel Gordon, Eva Honn, Nellie Kingsolver, Fanny Lyle, Frank Magel, George Magel, Lee Magel, Lulu Magel, Flo McMahon, Edna McMullen, John McMullen, Grace Mills, Harry Monson, Goldie Newlon, Mary Newlon, Mary Poulsom, Nellie Roberts, Lean Teatsworth, Forrest Thomas, Grant VanSant, and Myrtle VanSant.

Fremont County