Iowa Old Press

December 6, 1907

A petition by J. W. Shunick, Eli Oppenheimer, F. W. and G. C. Ross, J. A. Moody, J. H. Teachout, J E. Singleton, Gust Manson, F. H. and Julia A. Archer, C. H. Tompkins, H. W. Vansant and W. W. Vansant was filed with Auditor Coleman December 2. The petitioners ask that a drainage district be established and that
the kinks be taken out of Walnut Creek for some twelve miles. The proposed ditch is to begin where the railroad crosses Walnut creek in section 26 - 70 - 40 and to end in the Nishna river at or near the present mouth of Walnut creek in section 17 - 69 - 41.

Dec. 20, 1907

T. J. Bentley Dead
Thomas J. Bentley died at his home in Hamburg Wednesday night, Dec. 18, 1907. Mr. Bentley was born in Fayette county, Kentucky, July 21, 1829. In 1840 he moved to Boone county, Missouri, and in 1849 was a resident of New Orleans, Luisiana, being then in the employ of the late M. U. Payne. In 1861 Mr. Bentley came to Fremont county and engaged in farming for some years. About 1870 he was engaged in the mercantile business in Sidney. Since about 1875 he has resided in or near Hamburg. He leaves two sons and two daughters, four of his eight children having died before him. Mr. Bentley was well and favorably known throughout the county especially among the older residents. He was a life long democrat and a regular attendant at all the conventions and gatherings of his party. In religion Mr. Bentley was an adherent of the Baptist belief and had been prominent in the history of that denomination in this county.

[transcriber note: Bentley was also employed by Payne in Fremont county. His diary kept while overseeing the Payne farms on the Missouri bottom is found in the archives of University of Missouri at Columbia.--W.F.]

Hamburg News
Died, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Manley Liggett, Monday morning at 7 o'clock, Grandma Sligar aged 85 years 7 months and 16 days. Grandma had been in very poor health of a complication of diseases the past year. Eliza Jane Wagner was born in Indiana and came to to this county 50 years ago and passed 40 years of her life with her husband and children at Knox. Nine children were born to this union of which five are living. The husband preceded her several years ago. Grandma joined the Christian church at the age of 15 and remained until the day of her death a blessed saint of God. Funeral services were held at Knox Wednesday, December 18 at 11 a.m. conducted by Rev. Elder of the Christian church of this city, after which the body was interred in the Knox cemetery.

Home From Montana
D. D. Darby arrived in Sidney last Friday evening from Helena, Montana, where he has been for the past six months. He reports an enjoyable and profitable outing and returns with the good new of a prosperous west and that there are excellent opportunities in that country for those who are worthy and competent to fill responsible positions. Mr. Darby found employment at once as teacher of the Green Castle school in Riverside township where he began work Tuesday morning. We hope to hear of his success in playing his old time role, that of yielding the birch.

Fremont County