Iowa Old Press

September 5, 1905

Sidney Township's Teachers
Most of the rural schools opened yesterday for the fall term.
The teachers for the districts in Sidney township are as follows:
No. 1.--Lacy Grove, Kate Travis.
No. 2.--College Hill, Mae Murphy
No. 3.--Anderson, Stella Martin
No. 4.--Morning Star, Anna Sanders
No. 5.--Providence, Effie Crandal
No. 6.--Hazel Dell, Bertha Lambert
No. 7.--Center, Allie V. Mitchell
No. 8.--West Grove, Myrtle Hall
No. 9.--Greenbush, Pearle James
No. 10.--Walnut Grove, Mamie Holloway
No. 11.--Pleasant Grove, Willa Yates
No. 12.--Grand View, Dora Birkby
No. 13.--Spring Valley, Myrtle Sitton
No. 14.--Idle Slope, no teacher
No. 15.--Shady Glen, Bessie Strait
No. 16.--Brightside, Margaret Bobbitt
No. 17.--Lone Tree, Ethel Benson
No. 18.--North Star, Grace Mitchell
No. 19.--Wade Out, Essie Reynolds
No. 20.--Evening Star, Edyth McCormick
No. 21.--'Possum Valley, Maggie Orr.

[submitted by W.F., March 2004]

September 8, 1905

Thurman News

Paul Family Reunion. The Paul family reunion was a pleasant social success which took place last Thursday, August 31. The gathering was held in our beautiful little park, which had been arranged with tables and chairs by those interested in the pleasure of all that might come. A long table was spread with a bounteous repast and at twelve o'clock fifty three people sat down to partake of the very necessary part of the program. A cheery flow of conversation was maintained which added spice to the feast. Following the dinner photographs were taken of the group. The time was passed most pleasantly in reminiscences, young and old receiving their portions of the enjoyment. Upon this same day in the state of Pennsylvania, Washington county, a similar gathering was held which has become an annual custom, one looked forward to and much enjoyed. The Paul family was founded in America by one John Paul, who came from Ireland in 1779 and settled in Pennsylvania. Descendants are scattered throughout the union. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Paul left Pennsylvania in 1835, moving to Indiana. After a residence there of some twenty-seven years, they moved to Thurman, Iowa, in 1862, built the residence in the northeast part of town known as the old Paul home, and there resided until their death. This was the original family of Pauls in this locality, and through the years the families of the different generations have grown until on August 31, 1905, the gathering of the members and relations of the Paul family was made possible. Those present of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Paul were Mrs. K. H. McCartney, Mrs. Alice Rhodes and W. M. Paul, one daughter-in-law, Mrs. William Paul, one son-in-law, J. H. Cole. Of the grandchildren, H. McCartney, C. R. McCartney, Mrs. L. S. Ambler; Herschel, Lou and Agnes Snow; Duncan, Guy and Ray Rhodes; J. C. Carl and Jane Paul; C. B. , H. C. and Lillian Paul and Mrs. Nellie Paul Ambler; T. C.Cole, Mrs. Belle Cole Loosa. These with their families composed the company. Fifty eight in all were present. Several families of relatives from Missouri and Wahington were unable to be present. This will probably be made an annual occasion.
Thurman News
-Guy Martin returned from his claim in the Rosebud Reservation Saturday. He seems well pleased with Dakota....
-T. T. Hindman has two sons residing near Onawa....
-Arch Mann's grandson Harry Alexander lives in Salida, Colo....
-Raymond Fletcher is teaching the intermediate grade at SilverCity where Prof. Charles W. Woodrum, another Thurman boy, is principal.....
-J. H. Jared and family spent Sunday near Bartlett, the guests of J. W. Baker. Mrs. Jane Wallace stayed for a visit of a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Baker....
-Miss Carrie Fletcher has been elected teacher at Boone, Iowa....

-Probably a brief glance at the whereabouts of the class of 1905 will be interesting at this time. Six (sic) young ladies and gentlemen graduated with honor last May:
Myrtle Hall, teacher of West Star
Burl Martin is with his father, A. J. Martin
Pearl Nix, teacher of Man school.
Carl Paul will probably attend school at Hastings, Neb.
James Tucker, valedictorian, student at Tabor College
Edith Woodrum, salutitorian, teacher at Elm Grove
Myrtle Woodrum, teacher of the Rhodes School

-Mrs. Mary Wise, of Altamont , Kan., has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. E. C. Gallap and Mrs. M. J. Paul, and her brother W. G. Snow, and families. On Tuesday Mrs. Paul entertained a few friends in honor of Mrs. Wise. She left Wednesday evening for Riverton where she will spend a few days before returning to her home lin Kansas.

[submitted by W.F., May 2004]

September 28, 1905

No school could be held at the Wade Out school house last week on account of about four feet of water standing in the schoolyard. The teacher, Miss Essie Reynolds, drove out Tuesday of this week to begin work but the condition was still too bad for work to begin.

[submitted by W.F., March 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County