Iowa Old Press

July 30, 1903

An Old Settler
We received a call Saturday from one of the old timers in Fremont county, Jason Rector. Mr. Rector first came to this county in 1847 and remained here a little over a year and went back east and was married but returned to the county again in 1849, and has resided here ever since. He was lived on the farm he now occupies since February 1850, and he rather thinks that he is pretty familiar with the place. Mr. Rector is a splendid citizen, and we trust that he still has many more years to live and enjoy life.

New Principal of Schools at Randolph
The Harlan Republican has the following nice words concerning Prof. Peterson, the newly elected principal of schools at Randolph: "Allan Peterson has been chosen principal of schools at Randolph, Fremont county, for the ensuing year, at salary $70 per month. Mr. Peterson has been some years getting through the state normal at Cedar Falls it being necessary that he earn most of the money with which to pay his expenses although his father helped him what he could. The time has now come when he can reap some advantage from the months of effort he has sown, and his many Shelby county friends rejoice with him. When a young man gets an education by his own efforts, he generally has something, and knows how he got it and what he got it for. If Allan does not make a pronounced success of his work the judgment of many friends will be wholly wrong."

Those Lost Methodist Records
In conversation with a SUN representative Mr. Arch. Mann, of Thurman, added a little to early Methodist history in this county thus: The first organization was at John E. Beatty's in October or November of 1850. Another class was organized at William Rector's in the summer of 1851. The first Presiding Elder was John Hayden, and the first quarterly conference was held near Waubonse in 1852. The early records were taken by John Beatty to his home near Union, Nebr., when he removed to that place and later were destroyed by the burning of his house which occurred after Mr. Beatty's death.

Goes To Thurman
Will Adams expects to open a photograph gallery at Thurman next week. Workman are putting in a skylight now. His rooms will be in the upper story of the Warner building over the dry goods store. Mr. Warner was in town Monday to complete some of the arrangements. Will is a bright young man, of pleasing manners and he understands his work thoroughly. He couldn't help being an artist since he has been brought up in his father's studio. The SUN wishes him success, and congratulates the Thurman people on his locating there.

Fremont County Normal Institute in Session With Good Attendance
The annual session of the Fremont Co. Normal Insitute begun Monday, July 27. By noon the enrollment had reached 107, and a number more came in the afternoon. By Wednesday morning the enrollment reached 150....The experience of the normalites ranges from none to nineteen years. Two have taught seventeen years....The following are the teachers who have enrolled up to Wednesday evening:

1. Miss Allely, Imogene
2. Mary Ames, Randolph
3. Bessie Baker, Sidney
4. Tracy Baker, Hamburg
5. Sylvia Barrett, Thurman
6. Amy Barton, Farragut
7. Callie Batcheldor, Riverton
8. Joseph Batcheldor, Riverton
9. Edith Bennett, Randolph
10. Lulu Bicknell, Tabor
11. Mae Bicknell, Tabor
12. Myrtle Biggings, Knox
13. Gertrude 'Bilger, Omaha
14. Wm. J. Black, Chicago (Had charge of arithmetic, grammar and methods during the first week; conducts the Round Table during the second week.) (On Tuesday, sang a solo in chapel.)
15. Susie Blakely, Randolph
16. Grace Bobbitt, Sidney
17. Margaret Bobbitt, Sidney
18. Blanche Boyd, Hamburg
19. Ruby Brindle, Percival
20. Bertie Brown, Hamburg
21. Nettie Brown, Hamburg
22. Ella Burkholder, Lynch, Nebraska
23. E.L. Caldwell, Shenandoah
24. Bessie Campbell, Farragut
25. Less Chaney, Farragut
26. Nellie Christy, Tabor
27. Roy Clark, Randolph
28. Prof. J. F. Clayton, Hamburg (Conducts the recitations in didactics and civics the first week.)
29. Emily Colby, Tabor
30. Callie Coy, Farragut
31. Daisy Coy, Farragut
32. A. B. Coykendall, Hamburg
33. Effie Crandall, Sidney
34. Etta Crosse, Shenandoah
35. Bess Danforth, Hamburg
36. Louie Davison, Randolph
37. Bernice Dilts, Randolph
38. Ada Doty, Sidney
39. Hattie Downend, Sidney
40. Edith Edwards, Farragut
41. John Ettleman, Sidney
42. Luela Findley, Percival
43. Edith Finley, Percival
44. Fanny Finnell, Hamburg
45. Althea Fletcher, Sidney
46. Carrie Fletcher, Thurman
47. Minnie Ford, Hamburg
48.Prof. A. C. Fuller, Sidney (Has the work in physiology physics and economics the first week.)
49.Gertrude Gilchrist, Randolph
50.Leona Greenwood, Thurman
51. Edith Grosse, Shenandoah
52. Effie Grove, Sidney
53. Mertle Hackett, Percival
54. Cora Hall, Thurman
55. Edna Harmon, Imogene
56. Minnie Hartman, Tabor
57. Myrtle Hartman, Tabor
58. Mary Hein, Anderson
59. Emily Hiatt, Thurman
60. Eva Hicks, Sidney
61.Nellie Hicks, Blockton
62. Berniece Higgins, Shenandoah
63. Libbie Hood, Shenandoah
64. Grace Hoyt, Percival (Miss Grace Hoyt of Hamburg teaches reading.)
65. Fern Huffman, McPaul
66. Claude Hume, Tabor
67. Clayte Hune, Tabor
68. C. A. Hurlbutt, Tabor (Charles Hurlbutt gave a piano solo in chapel on Wednesday.) .
69. Eva Hurst, Randolph
70. Wesley Israel, Hamburg
71. Jessie Irwin, Thurman
72. Anna Ivory, Tabor
73. Hattie Jarman, Farragut
74. L.R. Johnson, McPaul
75. Lulu Johnson, Thurman
76. Maude Johnson, McPaul
77. C. M. Kelley, Sidney
78. Grace Kelsay, McPaul
79. (Prof. J. C. King of Boone teaches history the second week.)
80. Blanche Latimer, Shenandoah
81. Maude Latimer, Shenandoah
82. Bessie Leslie, Percival
83. Lillie Leslie, Sidney
84. Gertrude Livingston, Farragut
85. Carrie Logsden, Shenandoah
86. Nella Louie, Riverton
87. Ira Lowe, Nebraska City
88. Grace Lush, Farragut
89. Leonna Lybe, Sidney
90. Olive Mackoy, Farragut
91. Agnes Maher, Imogene
92. Flossie Manrose, Riverton
93. Addie Martin, Farragut
94. Stella Martin, Sidney
95. Ellen McClure, Tabor
96. Edith McCormick, Knox
97. Mabel McCormick, Tabor
98. Grace McCrory, Hamburg
99. Frances McIntosh, Sidney
100. Susie McMann, Farragut
101. Edna McMullen, Farragut
102. Mrs. Allie Mitchell, Sidney
103. Ross Monroe, Riverton
104. Alice Morgan, Hamburg
105. Lottie Morse, Knox
106. Mae Murphy, Sidney
107. Daisy Odell, Farragut
108. Myrtle Palm, Farragut
109. May Pardee, Sidney
110. Alice Parkison, Percival
111. Alice Pickell, Hamburg
112. Ethel Pressley, Sidney
113. Addie Proctor, Knox
114. Jeanette Proctor, Thurman
115. Leta Putman, Hamburg
116. G.C. Rade, Hamburg
117. Essie Rector, Bartlett
118. Lillie Rector, Bartlett
119. Myrtle Reed, Tabor
120. Mabel Reeves, Randolph
121. Genevieve Roach, Imogene
122. Cora Ross, Shenandoah
123. Margaret Ryan, Imogene
124. Annie Sanders, Sidney
125. Anna Saner, Imogene
126. Carrie Saner, Imogene
127. Lizzie Savidge, Randolph
128. Naomi Sheer, Thurman
129. Everett Shoemaker, Riverton
130. Rilla Shoemaker, Riverton (Miss Rilla Shoemaker of Hamburg has the music in charge for both weeks.) (Miss and Mr. Shoemaker sang a duet in chapel.)
131. Celia Simons, Shenandoah
132. Della Simons, Sidney
133. Jessie Simons, Riverton
134. Lena Simons, Riverton
135. Jennie Stiles, Sidney (Has charge of the algebra classes the first week.)
136. Lillie Stiles, Randolph
137. Mabel Straight, Shenandoah
138. Ada Strait, Hamburg
139. Bessie Strait, Anderson
140. Marion Tate, Sidney
141. Jessie Teachout, Farragut
142. Etta Thorne, Sidney
143. Mamie Thorne, Sidney
144. Frank Travis, Hamburg
145. Thomas Vance, Farragut
146. Althea White, Hamburg
147. Lela Williams, Riverton
148. Jennie L. Wilson, Malvern
149. Ellen J. Wing, Sidney (Miss Ellen J. Wing of Sidney has class in drawing for the first week.)
150. Maude Yost, McPaul
151. Grace Young, Sidney

Fremont County