Iowa Old Press

February 12, 1903

Bartlett News
Being unable last week to obtain information in regard to the deceased, Mrs. L. Chambers, we give it this week for the benefit of friends and neighbors.

Agnes Kern was born near Breman, Fairfield County Ohio, April 30, 1843. She was married to Lansford Chambers, March 6, 1873. To them were born six children, three of whom died in infancy. She joined the United Brethern church when quite young and remained a faithful christian until death.She departed this life February 2, 1903, being 59 years 9 months 2 days of age. Funeral services were conducted by Eld. Chas. Aitken at the Chambers' home after which the remains were laid to rest in the Thurman cemetery.


February 26,1903

Uncle Billy Roberts and His Good Wife Celebrate Their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary
Riverton, Feb. 25.-On last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts occurred a most agreeable surprise. It being their golden
wedding, the children had prepared a feast and took the old couple on surprise. This couple needs no introduction as everyone for some distance around is well acquainted with Uncle Billy and Aunt Susan. They were married at Wiliamsport, Maryland, February 13, 1853. The following September they moved to Henry county, Iowa. Here they resided for twenty years, then on April 2, 1873, moved to Riverton where they have spent thirty years more of married life. To this couple were born nine children, five boys and four girls, all of whom are living. Five of the children were present with their children, the other four living at different points, being unable to be present.Those present were as follows: Henry Roberts and family, Nathan Roberts and family, Asberry Roberts and family, Wm. Myers and family, Wood Lamb and family and a brother, Tom and wife and daughter, Minerva, there being 25 in all present. It is useless to say that all enjoyed themselves exeedingly as it is generally supposed that golden weddings are happy affairs, especially when the parents have never had the misfortune to have the family circle broken by death. Uncle Billy has been a prominent citizen of this community ever since he has resided here, having been justice of the peace for 24 years and mayor for about 21 years out of the 30. Nor would we forget his faithful wife, who has always been a true helpmate, and who has lived faithfully by his side in shadow as well as in sunshine. As a token of their love the relatives presented the couple with $5.50 in cash, a pair of linen towels and two silk handkerchiefs. We sincerely hope that the rest of their lives will have more sunshine and comfort than they have had heretofore and that the family in heaven will be as unbroken as it is on earth today.

[submitted by W.F., Aug. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County