Iowa Old Press

August 6, 1903

Farragut News
- Mrs. Frank Hampton who was called to Des Moines by the sickness and death of her father returned Saturday.....
- John Chapman moved his family to Emmettsburg, Iowa. Her mother, Mrs. Greedy accompanied them.....
- Logan Lightfoot died at his home in Farragut. He was born in Iowa seventy two years ago. He has lived in this vicinity thirty two years and will be greatly missed by his old neighbors. He leaves a wife and one child, Mrs. Shaw who resides near Farragut.

Hamburg News
- Daniel Doerr is very sick of a sunstroke which he sustained last week.....
- Len Comstock and wife, of Schuyler, Neb., were called here the first of the week by the serious illness of her father, Daniel Doerr
- The postoffice is now located in the Butterfield block on west E street....
- The Hon. William Jennings Bryan came down from Sidney last Friday afternoon and took the east bound train at 7 o'clock.
- Ola Morton and wife went to Central City, Iowa, Sunday to see his father who was severely injured by being kicked by a horse.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2003]


August 13, 1903

Walnut Creek News
- Rhody Carroll started for his home in Durand, Wisconsin, last Tuesday, after spending two or three weeks visiting friends in this vicinity.
- John Stickler and Orville True, of Farragut, were seen on the streets of Summit last Tuesday. It was reported that they were up to sell an auto-machine to the mayor of Summit. We did not learn whether they made the sale or not.
- Sam Ross and wife, of Prairie township, and Henry Ross and Mrs. Rachel Higgins, of Walnut township, will start Wednesday on a visit to Malone, New York, their old home. They expect to visit Montreal, New York City, Philadelpia and Washington before returning. It has been twenty-nine years since they left there.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2003]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
August 27, 1903

Barthenia McCoskie was born in Clay county, Mo., August 31, 1832. She was converted in early life and united with the M. E. church. On Jan. 26, 1854, she was united in marriage to David Worcester, a minister of the gospel. To this union were born six boys and one girl, two boys having preceded the mother to the other shore. Four boys and one girl with the aged father remain to mourn her loss, one of the boys being in South Africa engaged in missionary work, the rest being near at her death which occurred Aug. 22, 1903. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. A. Howard, from the Knox M. E. church, assisted by Revs. Lippincott and McCracken, after which she was tenderly laid away in the Rector cemetery surrounded by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Surely a noble woman has gone from us. Uncle Davie Worcester, as he is familiarly known, and his deceased companion, were among the early settlers of this part of the county and have born no small part in the religious development of the country and having always at heart the salvation of those around them and lived to see their children engaged in a like mission. Surely these children can rise up and call them blessed. May Heaven's benediction rest upon the bereaved hearts is the prayer of the writer. -- J. A. Howard.

[transcribed by W.F., March 2007]

Fremont County