Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
January 9, 1902

-- E. G. Duncan started Wednesday for his new home in Newman Grove, Nebraska; Mrs. Duncan is visiting her mother in Tabor.
-- Henry Hostetter if the father of J. H. Hostetter of Whiting
-- Chester Smith of Missouri is visiting relatives in Riverton.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2006]


Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
January 9, 1902

--W.F.Read and J. C.Kesterson of Sidney, Iowa, closed a deal last week with Winfield & Jessup for the Scheck ranch of 960 acres south of Latham. This is considered one of the greatest bargains in land that has been secured in this locality this season. Messrs. Read and Kesterson will build new dwellings and barns and make other improvements. When all the improvements they are contemplating are complete these gentlemen will own one of the model ranches of southern Kansas. They will move out about March 1st. In behalf of the people of Lathan and the surrounding county, the Mirror offers hearty welcome.--Latham, Kansas Mirror.

--On information sworn out by Rev. Joseph Berkheimer some two weeks ago, before Justice Leeka, a search warrant was put into the hands of Constable Sollider and 18 gallons of liquor seized at the McPaul depot. County Attorney Norcott was over Wednesday to prosecute the case and Fremont Benjamin, of Council Bluffs, appeared for a whosesale liquor house, of Lexington, Ky., which shipped in the liquor. Benjamin asked for a continuance of the case in order to obtain depositions from the house; the petition was granted and the trial set for February 20th. The 18 gallons of liquor were consigned to 10 different person in the vicinity of McPaul. The liquor will perhaps go into the gutter.

[transcribed by W.F., February 2006]


Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
January 23, 1902

Died.--At Thurman, January 18, 1902, of heart failure, A. S. Martin, aged 68 years, 2 months and 16 days. Archelaus S. Martin was born in Athens county, Ohio. At the age of 4 years he removed with his parents to Illinois where he grew to manhood and on August 7, 1853 he was united in marriage to Harriet Phipps and to this union was born thirteen children, seven sons and six daughters. Nine of these survive him and all were present at the funeral excepting Mrs. Mary Laird, of Dodge City, Kas., and W. H. Martin of Paona, Col. In 1854 he moved to Fremont county where, as one of the pioneers, he shared in the hardships incident to the settlers of a new county, and for almost a half centry he was identified with the growth and development of the county and has witnessed its advancement from a wilderness to its present prosperous condition. By energy and close application he amassed a compentency and for many years resided on his homestead north of Sidney, but for three years he has resided in Sidney and the last two months of his life were spent in Thurman where he went for medical treatment. Although peculiar in some of his ways and exact in his business relations, yet there are many who can testify to his kindness of heart and to his steadfast friendship. In his death, another of the pioneers whose ranks are ever thinning, is gone. The funeral took place from the Mount Zion church and the remains were laid to rest in the family burial lot in the Mount Zion cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Hoff, of Sidney. Knowing that the end of life's journey was near he spent the last months of his life in preparing for the life to come and he expressed himself as prepared to go at the call of the master. "Life's warfare o'er he rests well."

[transcribed by W.F., March 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County