Iowa Old Press

Tabor Beacon
Tabor, Fremont county, Iowa
November 15, 1901

The price of land down in Green Hollow seems to be advancing rapidly since A.W. Turner started his goat farm. Until recently land in that section could bought almost for a song and the owner was willing to sing the song in some instances, but Mr. Turner has bought aout a wonderful change. He says Joe Pierce sold 50 acres at $35 per acre, Loren Kerns sold his 70 acre farm. Frank Shepard bought Ed Baldwin's 240 acre farm for $45 per acre and Ed turned around and paid $80 per acre for a farm joining Thurman and has since
refused $20 per acre for it, John King sold 16 acres to John Pierce and has refused $40 per acre for 240 acres about one-third of which lies in the hills.

[submitted by S.P., Sept. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County