Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
January 4, 1900

For the last fifteen years it has been the custom of the elderly people in the neighborhood of the Rice school house in Monroe township to have an oyster supper New Years' day and accordingly about thirty of the neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. J. Tompkins for that purpose. All came with baskets filled with good things to eat whch was spread upon tables and at twelve were invited to the dining room where they were served with oysters. The day was spent socially and pleasantly by all.

One of the pleasantest evenings that has been spent for some time was at the home of Mr. J. D. Ross in Walnut township on New Years evening, when about twenty of the young friends of the Ross family gathered at their home to hold their annual oyster supper. Music and games were enjoyed till a late hour when they bid the Ross family "good morning" expressing themselves as having enjoyed themselves.

[transcribed by W.F., October 2006]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
January 18, 1900

TWELVE YEARS AGO - Interesting News Items Taken From The Herald Dated Jan. 19, 1888
At the assessors' meeting held at the county auditor's office Tuesday, on call of the auditor, there were present the following assessors, viz:
A. M. Gordon, Sidney township.
Isaac Scott, Walnut township
J. W. Perkins, Fisher township
L. M. Armstrong, Riverside township
L. E. Webb, Ross township
Platt Ricketts, Benton township
J. W. Dennison, Riverton township
M. M. Gaylord, Green township
L. L. Johnson, Scott township
A. A. Gore, Prairie township
J. T. McCracken, Washington township
P. Milligan, Fremont City
H. F. Gagnebin, Sidney City

-John Mann is to retire from the hotel business next week. He has sold out his interest to Crabb & Son, who will continue the Cromwell house.
-On Saturday morning David Abshire died of lung fever. He was buried in the Sidney cemetery on Sunday afternoon.

[transcribed by W.F., December 2010]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
January 25, 1900

Kline -- Elizabeth Conrad was born July 1st, 1861 in Panora, Iowa. She was the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Conrad, an honored minister of the M. E. church and member of the Des Moines conference. On March 28, 1878 she was married to L. F. Kline and to them eight children were born, seven of whom are still living. Mrs. Kline had been in poor health for nearly two years, but death came to her release on January 22, at Glenwood, where the family have resided for some time. The deceased had been a member of the M. E. church since early life. The funeral was held from the M. E. church at Sidney, January 24th, conducted by the pastor.

[transcribed by W.F., December 2010]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County