Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
March 4, 1897

- Mrs. Kline is the daughter of Mrs. M. M. Conrad of Randolph.--Local News
- Knapp & Garvin will open a livery barn at A. S. Rockwell's old place.--Local News
- George Martin is moving to Colorado where his cousin John Martin lives.--Walnut Grove News

[transcribed by W.F., April 2008]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
March 4, 1897

Percival News


Once more death has visited our community and taken one from our midst whom we all loved and respected.
Charles T. King, son of Thomas and Sarah King, aged 30 years 6 months and 14 days, died at the home of his parents, three miles southeast of Percival. Charles, as he was familiarly called, was born in this county, July 25, 1865. He was married to Minnie Paddock, South Omaha, Neb., Feb. 23, 1894. They lived near Bartlett, Iowa, for the first two years, but not being satisfied there they moved on his father's farm two miles south of Percival. This being the birthplace of both they were more contented and enjoyed true happiness until Charles was taken sick. He began doctoring in July and on Sept. 29th had an operation performed, but not gaining in strength he was advised to go south, and on Nov. 17th he started for El Paso, Texas, where he remained a few weeks, thinking that the climate would help him, but finding it would do no good he returned home Dec. 29th. On Jan. 5th, he went to Omaha to consult with physicians. They gave him no encouragement, pronouncing his case that dread disease, consumption. He began failing so fast that on Feb. 1st he was brought back to his father's home where he passed away at about 1:30 p.m. Feb . 9th, 1897. During his sickness he suffered very little pain. He was a member of the Congregational church, having joined a short time before his death. The funeral services were held in Percival by Rev. Long of Tabor, after which his remains were laid to rest in the Rector cemetery. He leaves a wife, two children, father, mother, four brothers and three sisters to mourn his loss.

"My companion has left me alone,
Death came with his cold, icy hand
And bore him to that heavenly shore,
Where all is peace in that happy land.

"How much I'll miss him none can tell;
His kind and helping hand so dear,
To me, was given so short a spell,
No more his voice or smile can cheer.

"He has left me, and gone before,
To meet his loved ones there;
When a few more dreary days are o'er
We shall his glory share."

-Bloomer Conley's little son died Saturday, aged 2 years.--Riverton News
-Warren Egloff's son was born March 4, 1897.--Local News
-Clint Hall, of Walnut township, son was born Tuesday.--Local News
-Mrs. A. J. Hatch who died Saturday was a sister of Mrs. Alex. Bolster of York, Neb.--Hamburg News
-Dell Holsclaw married Hattie Graves on Mar. 1, 1897 at Pacific Junction.--Bartlett News
-May Hopkins married Edward J. Hackett today.--Percival News
-Mrs. Armstrong Irwin died Tuesday and was buried at Mt. Zion.--Greenbush News
-Mr. Langston married Mae Dammon last week.--Riverton News
-Jesse A. Otte's son was born March 3, 1897--Local News
-Miss Jennie Ross died Mar. 2, 1897 aged 27 years; her father died about one year ago.--Tabor News
--Curt Wilson's son was born Mar. 4, 1897--Local News

[transcribed by W.F., June 2006 & January 2008]


Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
March 4, 1897

- Mrs. S.P. Cadle is the sister of Bud Richards of Bedford.--Riverton News
- S. O. Carter willmake the brick for the new county jail in Sidney.--Local News
- James Chandler is moving to Brownville.--Riverton News
- Roy Henderson's poem entitled "The Nishnabotna" appears in the Herald.
- D. McF. Paul is the father of Mrs. Alice Rhodes of Tabor.--Thurman News
- John Spicer is a brother - in - law of Sol Carman's.--Riverton News
- The Swanson's are the parents of Mrs. Houghland of near Essex.--Riverton News

[transcribed by W.F., April 2008]


Sidney, Fremont co., Iowa
March 4, 1897

-- J. Dennis Chapman shot Ernest Hern last Saturday near Payne Junction.
-- Al Travis's son was born Saturday.--Local News
-- Mrs. Kline is the daughter of Mrs. M. M. Conrad of Randolph.--Local News
-- Knapp & Garvin will open a livery barn at A. S. Rockwell's old place.--Local News
-- George Martin is moving to Colorado where his cousin John Martin lives.--Walnut Grove News

[transcribed by W.F., June 2007]


Sidney, Fremont co., Iowa
March 11, 1897

-- Sherd Cowles is moving to near Beatrice, Nebr.--Riverton News
-- Al Hathaway of Union, Nebr. is a brother of Mrs. Henry Trook.--Mt. Zion News
-- HOTEL (Riverton): The "Riverton Independent" has moved to the old Lake House, but now our lake has been transformed into a corn field, so it is now called the McIntosh Hotel.--Riverton News
-- JAIL: The cellar of the new county jail is being excavated.--Local News
-- John C. Schockley is the grandfather of W. H. Carter's little daughter.--Randolph News
-- TELEPHONES: Burlington, Iowa, will soon be connected with Boston, New York City, Philadephia, by telephone.
-- O. B. Hume's daughter was born Tuesday.--Local News
-- Mrs. J. A. Husband, aunt of Adam Hindman of Percival was buried Sunday; W. I. Jordan of Bedford is her sibling. Engle Jordan of Blockton, Iowa is a brother; that she was born near Bloomington, Misssouri in 1841 and came to Taylor county in 1856 and married in 1859; she was the mother of 7 children. --Thurman News
-- Mrs. Richard Irwin, b. 1865 - died March 2, 1897; married E. A. Irwin in 1883; her five children range in age from 4 to 13 years; buried at Mt. Zion.--Mt. Zion News
-- Walter Liggett's daughter was born on March 1, 1897..--Thurman News
-- Bertha Marshall, daughter of John who lives 4 miles south of Randolph, died Tuesday aged 13 years.--Randolph News
-- William H. Newlon, b. 1831 in Virginia - d. March 7, 1897; married Mrs. Margaret Schafer in Fulton county, Illinois in 1854; he came to Fremont county in 1874; his wife died on February 7, 1897.--Local News
-- Miss Mary Watson died on March 3, 1897 at the Faith Home in Tabor and was buried at Mt. Zion.--Mt. Zion News

[transcribed by W.F., June 2007]


The Fremont County Herald
Sidney, Fremont co., Iowa
March 11, 1897

Tabor News
DIED.--March 8th, 1897, at 10 o'clock a.m., of appendicitis, Miss Maud Reed, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Reed. Maud had nearly completed her 20th year, and in that period of time had drawn to her, by her intrinsic worth, a large circle of friends. On Sunday a very difficult operation was performed, but the disease had become to seep seated that diligent care and skillful hands could not stay it. It seems strange that one so young, so strong and vigorous should be called away from a work so nobly begun. Maud had already laid a broad and firm foundation for future usefulness. She had just finished a successful term of school and was engaged for the spring term in the same district. She was chairman of the prayer meeting committee of the C. E. society and was actively engaged in Sunday school and churchwork, for which she was so admirably fitted by her characteristic energy and womanly qualilties. There was a short funeral suervice at the home, after which the body was interred at the Sidney cemetery, where her father's interment preceded hers by several years.

-Allen Abshire's son was born March 10, 1897.--Local News
-Frederick Buhr married Alice McAlexander on March 9, 1897; both of Tabor.--Local News
-Dan Coppock's daughter was born last week.--Riverton News . The SUN says Miss Coppock died last Sunday and was buried at Mt. Zion (Riverton News).
-John Ettleman's daughter was born March 8, 1897.--Thurman News. The SUN says his daughter was born March 6, 1897 (Thurman News)....The McPaul News says his daughter was born Monday.
-Frank Fimple of Sidney married Eliza Gladwin of Council Bluffs on Monday.--Local News
-E. J. Hackett married May Hopkins on Tuesday of last week, Mar. 4, 1897.--Percival News.
-John Hawker's son was born March 4, 1897.--Local News
-Phil Henderson's daughter was born March 6, 1897.--Thurman News
-Mrs. J. A. Husband, aunt of Adam Hindman of Percival was buried Sunday; W. I. Jordan of Bedford is her sibling.--Thurman News
-Tilda Malinda Jordan, one of 10 children of a Methodist minister, was born near Bloomington, Missouri on Feb. 14, 1841; was buried at Thurman; at 18 years married Jacob A. Husband and they were the parents of 10 children, 7 of whom are living; she is survived by one brother and 3 sisters; burial at Thurman.--Thurman News
-Walter Scott Liggett's daughter was born March 4, 1897.--Thurman News .The SUN says Walter Liggett's daughter was born on March 1, 1897.
-William H. Newlon, b. 1831 in Virginia - d. March 7, 1897; married Mrs. Margaret Schafer in Fulton county, Illinois in 1854; he came to Fremont county in 1874; his wife died on February 7, 1897.--Local News
-Joseph Reed of Farmer City is the brother of Miss Maude Reed, who has died.--Randolph News
-John Rheudy, Jr., of Washington township: His son was born March 6, 1897.--Local News
-Frank Robert's daughter was born March 9, 1897.--Riverton News
-Mrs. E. Smith's father, Rev. Axaline of Arlington, Kansas, has died.--Riverton News
-Mrs. Mary Smith's mother Mrs.Husband of Thurman, dropped dead while on her way to the city hall to attend the band boys' entertainment.--Tabor News

[transcribed by W.F., January 2008]


The Fremont County Herald
Sidney, Fremont co., Iowa
March 18, 1897

-Ira Bailey married Maud Holden of Shenandoah at the Crozier hotel on March 16, 1897. This was G. T. Hatten's first wedding as mayor of Sidney; although nervous, "he put an extra hitch into the double bowline used for the occasion".
-W. T. Fisher married Maltha M. Miller of Farragut on March 11, 1897.--Tabor News
-Auntie Johnson was 88 years old on March 11, 1897.--Tabor News
-George Newland, 27, married Mrs. Susan Allen, 23, on March 12, 1897; both are from Bartlett.--Local News
-William H. Sligar's daughter was born March 13, 1897.--Local News
- Lew Baker's mother lives near Randolph; he lives in Monona county.--Thurman News
- O.F. Bentley will add 12 rooms to the Park House.--Local News
- Sherd Cowles moved to his recently purchased farm near Beatrice, Nebraska.--Riverton News
- L.R.Henderson has 350 acres of blue grass pasture for rent, and has prairie hay for sale at $2 per ton.
- Charles Malcom lives at Vermillion, Kansas.--Riverton News
- Mrs. L.V. McMullen has left the Park Hotel, and has taken over the hotel on the northwest corner of the square which will become the McMullen House.......C. W. Younts says the Park House will be reopened and ready for business on March 22nd.--Local News
- Jennie Nix is respectfully requested by T. Mead, G. W. Ray, and 20 other gentlemen of school district No. 3, Washington township, to teach "our school the coming spring".
- Noah Thrapp is the father of Allie Thrapp of Hamburg.--Thurman News.

J. E. Nason, representative of the Northern Building
Company, came down from Minneapolis, Minn., to let the minor contracts in our jail construction. J. D. Lankton has the contract for the painting. Mr. Nason says the iron, stone and other materials are on the road and will soon be here, when the work will be pushed with vigor.

The school board employed the architect supervising the construction of the new jail to draw the plans for the school house addition and supervise its construction........There are over fifty pupils from outside the district attending school here.

[transcribed by W.F., January & April 2008]


The Fremont County Herald
Sidney, Fremont co., Iowa
March 25, 1897

Grandma Garfield, mother of Mrs. J. B. Furbush, died March 6th, at the home of her daughter, in Belleville, Ohio. She was a resident of Sidney for 30 years, leaving here about three years ago. She was 87 years old at the time of her demise. Her husband was a cousin of President Garfield. Her hosts of friends here, for none knew her but to love her, will mourn her loss as one near and dear to them. Peace to her ashes!

The many friends of Mrs. Catherine A. Garfield, mother-in-law of J. B. Furbush, will be pained to learn of her death, which took place at Elizabeth, New York (sic), the sixth of March. Mrs. Garfield was well known to most of our citizens, having lived in Sidney with her daughter. Mrs. J. B. Furbush, for nearly thirty years. Mrs. Garfield was a woman of strong Christian character, loved and respected by all.

- Mrs. Garfield, whose husband was a cousin of President Garfield, died on March 6, 1897 at the home of her daughter in Belleville, Ohio, at age 87 years.
-Mrs. W. J. Gray died Sunday; burial Sidney.--Thurman News
-Frank Hetzel married Gertrude McClaren on March 25, 1897 at the Crozier House in Sidney.--
-LEITCH MONUMENT: A.Z. Moore of Glenwood erected a large Quincy Granite monument for Alexander Leitch last Thursday.
-Garrison Redd married Miss Shafer of Harrison county.--Riverton News.
-SNOW: Last Monday was the biggest snow of the season.
-Charles Wharton's daughter was born Mar. 19, 1897, north of town.--Sidney News (H) The SUN says she was born last Friday.
- Mrs. B. I.Cavender has been dangerously sick, but is improving.--Local News
- Mrs. B. I. Cavender's mother is Mrs. Stotler of Clarinda; her brother is Dr. W. F. Stotler of Essex.--Sidney News
- O.Y. Chamberlain is proprietor of the blue dray line.--Sidney News
- Grandma Conkel's son is Will Conkel who lives south of Nebraska City, and her daughter Mrs. John Greenameyer is of Monona county.--Riverton News
- David Dyke and William Forney, each will build new houses.--Green Twp. News .
- Mrs. Fred Gaylord's mother is Mrs. Elizabeth Conrad of Strahan.--Green township News
- Hezekiah Hayes has completed his second year at Keokuk Medical School. He has one more year to go before completing his M. D. Course.--Riverton

[transcribed by W.F., January & April 2008]


Sidney, Fremont co., Iowa
March 25, 1897

Mrs. J. B. Furbush's mother, Mrs. Catherine A. Garfield who had lived with her for the last 30 years, died on March 6, 1897 in Elizabeth, New York.

Local News
-The HERALD says Mrs. Garfield, whose husband was a cousin of President Garfield, died on March 6, 1897 at the home of her daughter in Belleville, Ohio, at age 87 years.

-Frank Hetzel married Gertrude McClaren on March 25, 1897 at the Crozier House in Sidney.

-Albert McClary's son was born March 16, 1897.-Pleasant Valley News

-Robert R. Machael, born Jan. 29, 1844 in Maryland - d. March 20, 1897; married Mary E. Gatten on Dec. 1, 1878; he leaves one son (Clarence) and one daughter (Alma).-Randolph News

-Howard Scheibler's daughter was born.-Imogene News
-E. G. Stamper's infant son died March 21, 1897.-Randolph News
-Peter Swanson's daughter was born last Saturday.-Randolph News
-Charles Wharton's daughter was born Mar. 19, 1897, north of town ,she was born last Friday. -Sidney News
-Z. D. Cavender of Taylor county visited his brother B. I.Cavender, our county recorder, last week.--Local News
-O.Y. Chamberlain's new house is rapidly taking shape.--Local News
-Last Saturday morning while W. S. Chandler was in his barn lot separating some pigs, in some unaccountable manner the whip cracker broke off as he snapped it around a pig's leg, flying back, striking and destroying the sight of his left eye.
-Leroy Dorsey moved to near Loup City, Nebraska.--Farragut News
-Hezekiah Hayes has completed his second year at Keokuk Medical School. He has one more year to go before completing his M. D. Course.--Riverton
-Mrs. Willard Perkins is the sister of Lucius Matthews of Texas.--Farragut News
-Mrs. J. D. Russell is the mother of Mrs. Shipley of near Omaha.--Mt. Zion News

Contracts for Fremont county's new jail in Sidney included W. F. Stephen of Council Bluffs: Heating apparatus; Frosty Sewal and John Rowe. They will haul 22,000 pressed bricks for the facing; Samuel Carter will furnish 100,000 home made bricks.

[transcribed by W.F., January & April 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County