Iowa Old Press

The Fremont County Herald
January 7, 1897

Riverton News by Dr. S. C. Hatton
The road running west from the Lovelady place to the corner of John Barrett's place is a Joe Dandy. It is up hill, down hill, stumps, hollows, precipices, mountain slides, canyons, gulches, waterfalls, glaciers, mountain peaks, cliffs, hanging rocks, Devil's slide, thousand mile tree, craters, huge petrified trees, fossils of every kind and one of the seven wonders of the world."

[transcribed by W.F., January 2008]


The Fremont County Herald
Sidney, Fremont co., Iowa.
January 14, 1897

Tabor News
Extensive preparations are being made for the union services which are to be conducted by Evangelist W. A. Sunday, commencing January 17th. An alliance has been formed by all the churches of the town, committees have been appointed and are working harmoniously, a choir of forty voices is now under training and union services are to held this week by the different pastors of the different churches interested. Mr. Sunday comes well recommended as an evangelist of wide experience and thorough preparation, having the courage to strike sturdy blows at sin wherever it lifts its head.

[transcribed by W.F., June 2007]


Sidney, Fremont co., Iowa
January 21, 1897

Tabor News
Our union meeting is progressing finely. The church membership of the town is awake, active, working harmoniously together and is full of expectancy. Mr. Sunday is the captain of the hosts. His reliance is not so much on the bursts of eloquence or floods of logic, as upon the individual work of the professional christians. He sows the seed broadcast, and then relies upon the christians to see that they germinate, take root and grow into ripened grain.

[transcribed by W.F., June 2007]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
January 26, 1897

Rev. A. B. Hobbs is back for a few days from Dunbar, Neb., where he has been engaged in a meeting for the last two weeks. He reports a very successful meeting, there having been 41 conversions with 30 additions to the church. He reports the heartiest cooperation upon the part of the business men of the place, who closed their business houses evenings while the meeting lasted. Rev. Hobbs returns to Nebraska this week and will begin a series of meetings in Union next Sunday morning. He will return and open up a meeting in Hamburg on Feb. 19th.

[transcribed by W.F., December 2010]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
January 26, 1897

Rev . A. B. Hobbs returned last Monday evening from Dunbar, Neb., where he held a two weeks revival meeting which was very successful, there being forty one professions and thirty one united with the church.

[transcribed by W.F., December 2010]


Sidney, Fremont co., Iowa
January 28, 1897

Local News
Our ice men are having a bonanza now. They are getting plenty of ice as clear as a crystal and from 10 inches to a foot in thickness. It is being taken from Otte Lake and Duncan's branch. Duncan is also furnishing the ice for the poor farm.

Tabor News
A few glimpses at the evangelist, W. A. Sunday, would perhaps be of interest. Personally, he is rather a small man, well developed physically, with a large protruding forehead, large heavy jaws which show the tenacity for which he hangs on the least indication of success. In the pulpit Mr. Sunday presents the least indication of filling a clerical position. Dressed in a purely business suit, he is the embodiment of energy, earnestness and christian sympathy, discarding all pulpit formality and conventionality. He seem to be possesed of no other motive or object than that he has a message for each individual hearer and all his energies are bent in driving the message to a secure lodgement in his hearer's heart. The above is only a mere glimpse at a few of the attributes of the evangelist.

[transcribed by W.F., Sept. 2003 & June 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County