Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
February 11, 1897

-- J. G. Dana is moving to Wapello county.--Imogene News
-- E. A. Reeves is the father of Mrs. Dell Burnham of Griswold.--Local News
-- Frank Stitt of Farragut, Fred Stitt of Carson, and Will Stitt are brothers.--Imogene News
-- Mrs. John Chaney, aged 19 years, died Feb. 5, 1897.--Riverton News
-- Uncle Solomon Jones of Tabor died Tuesday.--Local News
-- Mrs. Margaret (Lingenfelter) (Shafer) Newlon died Feb. 5, 1897 at Sidney.
-- C. Lund's son was born (sic).--Imogene News
-- J. M. Solider's son was born Feb. 6, 1897.--Thurman News
-- Joseph H. Spittler, 23, of Sidney, married Mollie J. Lowe, 17, of Mc Fall, Missouri on Feb. 10, 1897 at Hamburg.--Local News

Margaret Newlon, nee Lingenfelter, was born in Bedford county, Pa., Oct. 1, 1820 and died at her home in Sidney, Feb. 5, 1897 at the advanced age of 76 years 4 months and 5 days.She was married to Jacob Shafer in Bedford county, Pa., Feb. 1839. To them were born five children, four boys and one girl, three of whom survive her. She moved with her husband to Fulton county,Ill., in 1849. About two years later her husband died. August 19, 1854 she was married to W. H. Newlon. To them were born three children, two boys and one girl. These are all living. In early life Mrs. Newlon gave her heart to God and joined the Methodist Episcopal church, and through all the years lived a faithful Christian life. For several years her health had been very poor, not able to attend church. She bore her affliction patiently and had an unfaltering faith in her Lord. She often spoke of the goodness of God to her and of the peace that was in her heart. She died in the full assurance of a home beyond.Mrs. Newlon was a good woman. She was amiable in character and disposition. A good neighbor, a devoted wife and a fond mother has gone to her reward. She leaves behind her a husband, six children, and a hosts of friends to mourn her loss.

[transcribed by W.F., June 2007]


Randolph Register
Randolph, Fremont co. Iowa
February 18, 1897

The Randolph Register is now defunct.

Sam Stitt, after four years, will move to Nishna Valley to farm.--Thurman News

Phin Townsend has a brother Will in Clay county, Nebr. --Riverton News

[transcribed by W.F., April 2008]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
February 18, 1897

-- Hattie Bailey, daughter of W. P. Bailey, married Jesse D. Rogers on Feb. 11, 1897 at Plattsmouth, Nebr.--Percival News
-- Hannah (Brown) Chadwick, b. Mar. 11, 1818 - d. Feb. 14, 1897 in Sidney, Iowa
-- John Driscoll was married to Della Shirley by Father Bulger of Shenandoah on Feb. 17, 1897
-- Mrs. Burt Hawley's funeral was held.--Percival News
-- L. B. Hicks, b. KY - d. Feb. 13, 1897 aged 57y 8m 27d.--Tabor News
-- Charles Thomas King died Feb. 9, 1897, three miles southeast of Percival, aged 30 years; lelaves wife and 2 children.--Percival News
-- Benjamin Franklin Kuhn, b. Aug. 8, 1821 - d. Feb. 7, 1897 at his home 2 1/2 miles northwest of Sidney.
-- Mrs. B. O. Sheldon's sister died near Hastings, Nebraska.--Tabor News
-- William Blair of Percival is the father of Mrs. A. B. Milligan.--Thurman News
-- Mr. Haselot's house is nearly completed.--Riverton News
-- Mrs. T. T. Hindman is the mother of Mrs. Glen Richardson of Tabor.--Thurman News
-- RANDOLPH NEWSPAPER.--The "Randolph Register" is now defunct.--Local News
-- Sam Stitt, after four years, will move to Nishna Valley to farm.--Thurman News
-- Phin Townsend has a brother Will in Clay county, Nebr.--Riverton News

[transcribed by W.F., June 2007]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
February 18, 1897

-- John Adamson's little daughter's funeral will be held Sunday.--Mt. Zion News
-- Hattie Bailey, daughter of W. P. Bailey, married Jesse D. Rogers on Feb. 11, 1897 at Plattsmouth, Nebr.--Percival News
-- Hannah (Brown) Chadwick, b. Mar. 11, 1818 - d. Feb. 14, 1897 in Sidney, Iowa.
-- M. L. Byrd's daughter was born 19 years ago last Saturday, in a "dug out" near Guide Rock, Webster county.
-- John Driscoll was married to Della Shirley by Father Bulger of Shenandoah on Feb. 17, 1897.--Local News
-- Mrs. W. S. Greenwood's birthday was last Sunday.
-- Andrew N. Hiatt's daughter was born Feb. 12., 1897--Mt. Zion News
-- Mrs. Burt Hawley's funeral was held.--Percival News
-- L. B. Hicks, b. KY - d. Feb. 13, 1897 aged 57y 8m 27d.--Tabor News
-- Mrs. W. C. Johnson's mother died in Alexandria, Nebr.--Randolph News
-- Charles Thomas King died Feb. 9, 1897, three miles southeast of Percival, aged 30 years; lelaves wife and 2 children.--Percival News
-- Benjamin Franklin Kuhn, b. Aug. 8, 1821 - d. Feb. 7, 1897 at his home 2 1/2 miles northwest of Sidney.
-- B. E. Mann's daughter was born Feb. 16, 1897.--Thurman News
-- Mr. Martin's daughter was born, east of town.--Imogene News
-- Mrs. B. O. Sheldon's sister died near Hastings, Nebraska.--Tabor News
-- John Torpy's son was born Saturday.--Randolph News
- W. L. Bogan of Hamburg is the father of Mrs. C. W. Sturgeon.--Imogene News
-- William Gould now lives in Linn county, Kansas.--Thurman News
-- A. Rood's new house is almost completed.--Randolph News
-- Mrs. B. F. Sutter is the mother of Mrs. Elmer Hiatt.--Mt. Zion News

A Fast Trip
The fastest long distance run known in the annals of American railroading was made over the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad this week. Henry J. Mayham of Denver, chartered the special train, consisting of engine and one coach, for the purpose of reaching the bed side of his son dying in Denver. It left Chicago at ten o'clock Monday forenoon and reached Denver at 1:26 Tuesday morning, having made the distance of 1026 miles in 18 hours and 25 minutes, running time. The son died three hours before lthe arrival of his father.

-- W. L. Bogan of Hamburg is the father of Mrs. C. W. Sturgeon.--Imogene News
-- William Gould now lives in Linn county, Kansas.--Thurman News
-- A. Rood's new house is almost completed.--Randolph News
-- Mrs. B. F. Sutter is the mother of Mrs. Elmer Hiatt.--Mt. Zion News

Riverton News.
While the fertile plains of Nebraska have been the scene of many an interesting event, yet to the people involved, none has been more interesting than the event that occurred in an humble little "dug out" near Guide Rock in Webster county, nineteen years ago last Saturday evening. Just as the sun was setting preparatory to the birth of St. Valentine's day, with none present but himself as accoucher and his wife as deliverer. there was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Byrd their first daughter, Miss Millie, and in honor of that happy event about forty of her young friends met at her home on the above mentioned evening, spending a few hours with games, charades and other entertainments to the delight of all present. After the usual presentation and acceptance speeches on such occasions, the enjoyments of a bounteous lunch and many wishes for a happy return of this occasion, the guests returned to their respective homes. Long may Miss Millie live to enjoy the pleasures contingent to this anniversary is the humble wish of the writer.

[transcribed by W.F., June 2007 & April 2008]


Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
February 25, 1897

Died, Feb. 21, 1897, Mrs. Margaret Ellis, aged 73 years.Mrs. (sic) Margaret Ashworth was born in Kentucky Feb. 21, 1824. When about 15 years of age she moved with her parents to Platte county, Missouri.She was married to A. J. Henderson at the age of 18 and to this union was born seven sons and seven daughters, seven of whom now live to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother. One son living in the northern part of the state and a daughter living in Kansas could not be present at the burial. Mrs. Henderson was converted forty years ago, while living in Holt county, Missouri, and united with the Baptist church. They moved to this county in 1864 and she united with the Baptist church of Sidney. In 1869 she took a letter from the Sidney church and united with the church at Pleasant Grove. Mr. Henderson died in 1869 and she afterwards married John Ellis who died about six years ago. The long years of Mrs. Ellis' faithful and consistant christian life is worthy emulation by all.  "Blessed are those who die in the Lord, they shall rest from their labors and their works do follow them" . She was laid to rest in the Sidney cemetery on Feb. 23, 1897.

-- Mrs. Abe Acord of Syracuse, Nebr. is the daughter of Charles Derr.--Local News
-- Cy Garven of near Farragut is the brother of Mrs.D.Hardy.--Mt. Zion News
-- N.C.Wilson is the brother of Dr. J. B. Wilson of Bloomfield.--Local News

[transcribed by W.F., May 2006 & June 2007]


The Fremont County Herald
Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
February 25, 1897

Saturday night about thirty Patriots of America, from Riverton, Hamburg and other near points were on hand and organized a lodge at this place,under the direction of County Patriot, E. F. Cowger, of Riverton. Twenty three were taken in as charter members and the following officers elected for the ensuing term:
THIRD PATRIOT: O. Y. Chamberlain
CHAPLAIN: J. D. Baylor
RECORDER: A. B. Waterman
TREASURER: B. I. Cavender
GUIDE: Corwin Jones
The contract for the construction of a jailors residence and jail was let to the Northern Building Company, of Minneapolis, Minn., for the sum of $4,575. Mr. Mason (sic), the representative of this company agreed to the board to purchase all material obtainable in the county and to hire all help as far as would be consistent with good work at this place. This is a very commendable feature and is next to the job being let to resident contractors. The contract for the jail cells and iron works was let to the Portsmouth Structural Steele and Iron Co., of Portsmouth, Ohio, for $1700, and that for heating and plumbing to Stephen Bros., of Council Bluffs, for $732.

ELLIS -Died, Feb. 21, 1897, Mrs. Margaret Ellis, aged 73 years. Margaret Ashworth was born in Kentucky, Feb. 21, 1824. When about 15 years of age she moved with her parents to Platte county, Missouri. She was married to A. J. Henderson at the age of 18 and to this union was born seven sons and seven daughters, seven of whom now live to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother. One son living in the northern part of the state and a daughter living in Kansas could not be present at the burial. Mrs. Henderson was converted forty years ago, while living in Holt county Missouri and united with the Baptist church. They moved to this county in 1864 and she united with the Baptist church of Sidney. In 1869 she took a letter from the Sidney church and united with the church at Pleasant Grove. Mr. Henderson died in 1869 and she afterwards married John Ellis who died about six years ago. The long years of Mrs. Ellis' faithful and consistant christian life is worthy emulation by all. "Blessed are those who died in the Lord, they shall rest from their labors and their works do follow them".She was laid to rest in the Sidney cemetery, Feb. 24, 1897.

[transcribed by W.F., January 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County