Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
March 19, 1896

- William Pearson is home from Missouri.

Died, on the 16th day of March 1896, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock a.m., at his home and residence of his son, Benjamin Hatton, 2 miles west of Sidney, Iowa, Dunbar Hatton, agd 95 years 8 months and 28 days. Father Hatton was born in Albemarle county, Va., on the 17th of June 1800 and at the age of 23 was united in marriage with Eliza C. Meeks, daughter of William and Katharine Meeks all of the same county and state. In 1830, with his wife and 3 children and some family relations, he moved to Kanawha county, W. Va., where he resided until 1852. Then with his family, consisting of wife and 12 dhildren all of whom are living except one, came west to Holt county, Mo. ln 1864 he moved to Fremont county, Ia., and located on a farm 2 miles west of Sidney. After 12 years of prosperity and domestic happiness, it was the will of Providence to take from him his companion on the 18th of March 1876, and with the exception of 4 or 5 years he lived with his son Benjamin till his death. Of his children, Robert S. Hatton, the eldest, resides near Denver, Colo.; Charles S. resides in Sidney; Thomas H. died in 1872; Mary F., now the widow Powers, resides 4 miles northwest of Sidney; Edward H. lives with his brother near Hamburg; W. D. in Seattle, Washington, James S. 4 miles west of Hamburg; Mathew H., 1 miles northwest of Hamburg; Benjamin 2 miles west of Sidney, John A. in Nuckles county, Neb.; Thadeus C. 2 1/2 miles southest of Sidney; Sabastian C. resides in Riverton. The obsequities were conducted by Rev. O. D. Lighthizer in the Baptist church at 9 o'clock p.m. on the 17th of March  1896. Eight of his children were present on the occasion, all of whom are residents of Fremont county.

[transcribed by W.F., May 2006 & August 2007]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
March 26, 1896

Elizabeth C. Evins was born in Landoff, Coos county, New Hampshire June 11, 1815. She was married to James Holland in Weedsport, New York, April 11, 1838. To them were born two sons and two daughters. The daughters alone survive to bury their mother, the brothers having gone before some years ago and the father on Oct. 16, 1894. Mrs. Holland was converted in a meeting held in Weedsport, N. Y. in the summer of 1844 and united with the Baptist church in the spring of the following year. Removing with her family in 1861 to Sterling, Illinois, she transferred her church relations to the Baptist church there and remained connected with that church to the time of her death, though for the last four years of her life a resident of Sidney, Iowa, and gently falling asleep in Jesus, early in the morning of March 19, 1896 at the age of 80 years 9 months and 8 days. Her life has been that of a consistent Christian, and devoted to doing good to others and especially to those in sickness and trouble. She was a kind and loving mother, always willing to sacrifice time and strength for her family. And though often deprived of the privilege of attending the services of God's House, yet she was ever mindful of her Savior and continued faithful to Him. And, in looking over her long Christian life, one cannot but think that the words in Job 5:26 are true of her: "Thou shalt come to the grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in, in his season."

[transcribed by W.F., May 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County