Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
August 6, 1896

Charles Addy's daughter was born July 28, 1896.--Randolph News

Father Bagg's funeral was Monday at Tabor.--Green township News

Oscar Crandal's son was born Aug. 4, 1896.--Riverton News

W. T. Edward's daughter was born August 2, 1896.--Sidney News

Myrtle Ettleman died Aug. 1, 1896 aged 19 years, daughter of Maroni Ettlman who lives two miles north of Thurman.

Frank Frazer's daughter was born Aug. 4, 1896 in Madison township.--Riverton News

Thomas Galbreth's son was born July 30.--McPaul News

Mr. Remington died Sunday, and was buried at Fairbury, Illinois.--Bartlett News

A daughter was born to Charles Young on July 29, 1896..--Randolph News

[transcribed by W.F., February 2006]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
August 6, 1896

Myrtle Ettleman died Aug. 1, 1896 aged 19 years

A son was born to Watt Hiatt on July 27.--Sidney News

John and Mina Smith's youngest child, Floyd, died Saturday, August 1, 1896 aged 8 months 19 days.--Sidney News

A daughter was born to Charles Young on Wednesday--Randolph News

[transcribed by W.F., February 2006]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
August 13, 1896

Charles F. Barnes daughter was born August 8, 896.--Local News.

Jesse Buckingham's son was born --Bartlett News

Edward C. Fowlkes of Nebraska City and Miss Maude Helvey of Fairabury, Nebraska were married on Aug. 11, 1896 at the Commercial Hotel in Sidney.--Sun news item; Local News.

Sammy A. Irwin was buried in Thurman Sunday.--Thurman News

S. L. Kellogg's son was born Aug. 8, 1896.--Percival News

Dan Lamar's mother died in southern Missouri.--Riverton News

William Smith married Maude Bail on Aug. 7, 1896.--Pleasant Valley News.

Fred Story received a telegram that his father-in-law died Thursday in Indiana.--Nishna Valley News

Frank Wages' daughter was born Aug. 8, 1896.--Riverton News

John Weeks married Myrtle Harris in Omaha on Wednesday.--Bartlett News

[transcribed by W.F., February 2006]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
August 13, 1896

J. F. McCluskey's daughter was born Aug. 7, 1896.--Hazel Dell News

[transcribed by W.F., February 2006]


Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
August 20, 1896

-B. E. and C. R.Givens' eldest son Samuel S., born August 8, 1892 - died August 16, 1896 at Percival.

-J. H. Hogsett, 20, and Lida M. Rush, were issued a marriage license.
-William Jarman died at Edgemont, S. D., last Thursday.--Percival News
-Dr. Penn (5/13/1824 - 8/17/1896); a son Dr. Penn lives at Ravina, Nebraska; a son-in-law Reuben Crose lives in Shenandoah.

DIED--In Fall City, Nebraska August 16, 1896, of paralysis of the heart, Henry F. Gagnebin. Mr. Gagnebin was born Geneva, Switzerland, Jan. 3, 1826, but came to America in early life. He was loyal to the country of his adoption. He enlisted in Co. "L", 7th Missouri Cavalry where he served till sometime n '63 or 4, when he was mustered out on account of a severe wound he received.

In 1865 Mr Gagnebin moved to Sidney where he resided till November 1892. He then went to South Auburn, Nebraska. Mr. Gagnebin was a surveyor and draughtsman. He held the position of county surveyor of Fremont Co., Iowa, for many years. At the time of his death and for four weeks previous he had been doing plat work for Richardson county, Neb.

His death as sudden and unexpected. He got up in usual health Saturday morning and went to his work in the court house; about ten o'clock he stopped work on account of the heat, complaining of a slight head ache. He ate a hearty supper that evening and then went to the post offce for his mail, came home and played with the children at the private boarding place where he was stopping. He went to bed in his usual spirits.

On Mr. Gagnebin's failure to appear at the usual time Sunday morning not much uneasiness was felt as it was thought he might be tired but later upon investigation it was found that during the night he had passed quietly away.

Mr. Gagnebin was a member of the Baptist church, also of the G. A. R. and the A. F. & A. M. He was a man universally beloved and respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his loss, six daughters and two sons all of whom were present except the daughter living in Glenwood.

The funeral services took place from St. Pauls Lutheran church of Auburn, Neb. and were under the auspices of the masonic fraternity. The church was beautifully decorated and the people of Auburn did every thing in their power for the bereaved family. The family have the sincere sympathy of friends in Sidney.

[transcribed by W.F., February 2006]


Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
August 20, 1896

-George Cloyed's son was born August 13, 1896.--Thurman News
-John Howard and Myrtle Barrett, both of Thurman, were married by Sidney's mayor on August 17, 1896.--Local News
-Albert Malcom's son was born August 17, 1896.--Nishna Valley News
-George Tooley's daughter died Tuesday, aged 1 year.--Local News

RIVERTON NEWS. August 20, 1896.--The wife of Uncle John Wages died at her home in Riverton, Monday morning, of consumption. She had been confined to her bed for many months and her death was not at all unexpected. She was 64 years of age and had been a member of the Baptist church since chidlhood. Her funeral was preached at the Baptist church, Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, by Rev. Griffith, of Shenandoah, to a large congragation, after which she was laid to rest in the Riverton cemetery. The family have the sympathy of all.

[transcribed by W.F., February 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County