Iowa Old Press

April 16, 1896

Willey.--At his home in Sidney, Iowa, April 9th, 1896 at 5 o'clock p.m., of paralysis and kidney disease, James W. Willey, 77 years and 4 months. He was born near Nashville, Tennessee, Dec. 10th, 1818 where with his father, who was pastor of the M. E. church at that place, he resided until the age of nineteen, when he removed to Greenville, Bond county, Illinois, where he remained until 1870. Here on the 3rd day of September 1859, after the death of his first wife, by whom he had four children, three of whom are living, he was married to Mrs. Elizabeth V. Edwards and to them were born eight children, of whom only four are now living, two here and two in the state of Wyoming. Leaving Illinois in 1869, he came with his family to Fremont county and settled at Hamburg, but remained here only one year when he removed to Thayer county, Neb., where he resided until 1878. It was while enduring the hardships of frontier life that he had two strokes of paralysis, from which he never fully recovered. From Thayer he moved yet farther west to Harlan county, where he remained until in 1891, he came to this place and here passed the remainder of his life. Mr. Willey was converted when he was about eighteen years old and united with the M. About seven years ago, while at Almo, Nebraska, he transferred his connection to the Free Methodist church there. During the las two years of his life, he thought more of the importance of right living, and made greater advances in Chriistian character.He grew in grace. And throughout his last sickness and amid sufferings, that at times were very trying, he exhibited great patience, sweet resignation in the Divine Will, growing confidence in his Redeemer and increasing joy as the time of his departure drew nearer and he would enter into that City that has foundations and whose builder and maker is God, and where there shall be no pain nor night nor any curse. Just before he breathed his last he asked those present to gathfer around his bed and sing:

My latest sun is sinking fast,
..My race is nearly run;
My strongest trials now are past,
..My triumph is begun.

The ceremonies were held from the Baptist church, conducted by Rev. Noerr, of the Presbyterian church, whom Mr. Willey request should have charge of the last sad rites, and the remains were then laid to rest in Sidney's silent city. To the wife and children who are left to mourn the loss of a true, loving and considerate husband and father, the Herald extends its most sincere sympathies.

[transcribed by W.F., March 2004]


Sidney Fremont County, Iowa
April 30, 1896

- Elmer McWilliams of Harrison county is calling on relatives here.
- C. H. Polk is having his well repaired.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County