Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa
June 20, 1895

Graduates From Fremont County Schools, 1895 --By H. A. Simons, County Superintendent.
May Barnes, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Stella Beam, Riverton rural school
Wallace Beckwith, Thurman High School
Emma Birkby, Knox rural school
Grace Bobbitt, Sidney High School
Margaret Bobbitt, Sidney High School
A. Bodinus, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Anna R. Borchers, Hamburg High School
Robert Briley, Thurman High School
Ada Brock, Sidney rural school
Bessie Campbell, Farragut High School
Bird Cannon, Tabor High School
Arthur Carter, Sidney High School
Lizzie Chambers, Farragut High School
Florence Clark, Tabor College
Richard Clark, Tabor High School
E. W. Cole, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Mary Crozier, Sidney High School
Clark Cummings, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Edith Davis, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Rozelle M. Davis, Hamburg High School
Mary Dempsey, Imogene rural school
Willie Digman, Knox rural school
Albert Eskew, Sidney rural school
Lucius Eskew, Sidney rural school
Milton Estes, Sidney High School
Eva Dee Fichter, Anderson rural school
Josephine Fleming, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Charles Forney, Thurman rural school
John Frazer, Sidney High School
Ralph Gallup, Farragut High School
H. S. Galt, Tabor College
Edgar Gordon, Farragut rural school
Ruby Gray, Thurman rural school
Sadie Gunnison, Sidney High School
David Hall, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Agnes Harrison, Tabor High School
C. B. Hatten, Tabor College
Henry J. Heaton, Randolph High School
Lulu Heckel, Sidney High School
J. G. Holmes, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Nettie Hughes, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Jennie Hume, Knox rural school
J. W. Hunter, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Florence Hydinger, Hamburg High School
Nellie Irwin, Thurman rural school
Bertha Lacey, Sidney rural school
Alvia Logsden, Walkerville rural school
Grace Long, Hamburg High School
Tempest Long, Thurman High School
Flossie MacCloud, Randolph High School
Laura Maloney, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
E. H. Matthews, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Kate Matthews, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Vernon Matthews, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Myra McClelland, in music, Tabor College
Mabel McCormack, Tabor High School
Charles Metelman, Sidney High School
Orrin Mills, Imogene rural school
Charles Moore, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Daisy Newlon, Shenandoah rural school
Frank Newlon, Shenandoah rural school
Effa Notson, Hamburg rural school
Jennie Notson, Hamburg rural school
Daniel Nies, Hamburg High School
Katie O'Brien, Percival rural school
Fred Osborne, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Viola Palmer, in music, Tabor College
Otwa Pardee, Sidney High School
Edith Parrish, Shenandoah rural school
Emma Pease: Promoted from primary to intermediate, No. 2, Fisher township.--Addie Martin, teacher
Will Phelps, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Myrtle Reed, Tabor High School
Elmer G. Rood, Randolph High School
Mary Rossean, Hamburg rural school
Julia Russell, Tabor High School
Robert Russell, Tabor High School
Mary Ryan, Shenandoah rural school
Lizzie Savidge, Tabor rural school
Nellie Sheldon, in music, Tabor College
Sadie Sheldon, Percival rural school
Mervin Simons, Hamburg High School
W. H. Speese, Tabor College
Frank Stevens, Shenandoah rural school
John Stiles, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
M. C. Sutton, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
A. A. Vazakas, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Fannie Walker, Farragut High School
Bertha Webb., Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Alice West, Preparatory Course, Tabor College
Louise West, in music, Tabor College
Jesse Whisler, Farragut High School
Owalta Whitehill, Shenandoah rural school
Viola Whitehill, Shenandoah rural school
Charles Wilson, Riverton rural school
Mamie Wilson, Anderson rural school
Abbie Wynn, Riverton rural school
Helen Yowell, Sidney High School

[transcribed by W.F., May 2004]


The Fremont Sun
Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
June 27, 1895

At the home of the bride's parents in Lacy Grove, at 8:30 P.M., Wednesday, June 26, 1895, Miss Jessie Polk to Mr. Lucius J. Abbey, Rev. W. F. Bartholomew officiating. Very handsome invitations had been issued for the occasion and a large company of selected guests were present at the ceremony.

At the hour appointed an appropriate wedding march was played by Miss Maud Lowery, when the bridal party took their position surrounded by a display of laurel wreathes, and the reverberation of the music ceased, the solemn and impressive words of the minister bound them together. A costly display of presents were generously bestowed by loving friends and an elegant supper gave dignity and grandeur to the occasion.

The bride is in posssession of the all the qualifications of a noble young lady and needs no introduction as all know her especially from her quiet manner and gentle dispositon, and she has also for the past two years been one of our most successful school teachers. Mr. Abbey is our county Recorder, a quiet, unassuming, Christian young man, strictly attentive to his official duties and in no way lacking those charctersitics which constitute the elements of true manhood.

The best wishes of friends go with them as they pass from beneath the parental roof, and enter in the practical reality of the estalishment of a home of their own with the people of Sidney. Rev. D. A. Allen, pastor of the M. E. church at Hamburg, was present on the occasion and assisted Pastor Bartholomew in the performance of the marriage ceremony.

Prof. D.D. Darby, the penman and teacher, of Northboro, Iowa, is in attendance at the Normal Institute here this week. Mr. Darby has been secured by County Superintendent Simons to do the artistic lettering and manuscript work on the diplomas for the rural district graduates. The superior penwork done by the Prof. on these diplomas show him to be one among the finest penmen in the state of Iowa.

ADVERTISEMENT - D. D.DARBY, penman, NORTHBORO, IOWA. Graduate of two penmanship schools. Plain and ornamental writing. Flourishing. Lettering. Drawing, etc., etc........Card writing a specialty. Send stamp for estimates.

[transcribed by W.F., June 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County