Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
July 18, 1895

Nishna Valley News
August 1st is the date set for the great Nishna Valley church picnic. Wightman's Grove, near the mouth of Walnut creek, is the place that has been selected. A grand stand is to be erected for the speakers and singers and wooden wood seats will be provided to accommodate about 5,000 people--more or less. All who enjoy a day of rest and recreation are cordially invited to make arrangements to come and have a grand good time. Particulars later.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2007]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
July 18, 1895

M. J. M. Bechtel has received a sample shipment of fruit grown upon his orchard near Hamburg, Fremont county, this state, which establishes the fact beyond question that Iowa is a fruit growing state of the first class. The consignment includes Red June, Dutchess of Oldenburg, Early Harvest and Red Astrchan apples and a peach, named unknown, of fine color and appearance. 1891 is the last year that Iowa produced a heavy fruit crop. In that year there were shipped from points along the Burlington route 249,758 barrels or 1,665 car loads of apples. In 1894 there was a small crop, amounting, according to the shipments, to 68,205 barrels. This year the harvest is expected to equal, if not exceed, that of 1891, and the quality of the fruit as shown by the samples received is of the very highest. The Burlington road has done everything in its power to encourage fruit growing along its lines, and those who have pursued this course are in a fair way to reap handsome rewards.--Burlington Hawkeye.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2007]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
July 25, 1895

Nishna Valley News
We regret exceedingly that the arrangements for music, program, amusements, etc., for the first annual picnic of the Nishna Valley M. E. Church were not made in time for publication, but we are assured by the committees who have charge of the matter that everything will be done to enable all who come to have a grand good time. Misses Penelope Wightman, Nettie Jarman and Lulu Eskew, assisted by others will serve all kinds of delicious refreshments in the most approved style, and the only thing you will regret is that your throat isn't longer. Seats and drinking water will be provided for all who are weary and athirst. Vertical swings, horizontal croquet, and many other wild and peculiar kinds of amusements are being arranged for by the committee of which the writer is the chairman. Rev. Walburn is preparing an interesting discourse expressly for the occasssion which will alone be worth coming many miles to hear. Prof. King, principal of the Hamburg schools, is expected to be with us and deliver one of his characteristic speeches, in proportion to his size, which will, of course, occupy most of the afternoon. Other speakers will favor the audience with speeches orf greater of less merit, and plenty of first class music wil be rendered. We have been blessed with bountiful crops this year and all who can are cordially invited to come out and make this a day of thanksgiving, rest and recreation. The date is Thursday, August 1st. The place, 3 1/2 miles east and 2 1/2 miles north of Sidney, near the mouth of Walnut creek.

[transcribed by W.F., August 2007]


Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
July 25, 1895

Nishna Valley Picnic
The Nishna M. E. church will hold their first annual picnic Thursday, August 1st, at Wightman's Grove, 3 1/2 miles east and 2 1/2 miles north of Sidney. The arrangements for music, program, amusements, etc., were not made in time for publication but everything will be done to enable all who come to have a grand good time.

- Prof. D. D. Darby of Northboro, Page county....has written correspondence for the SUN....He expects to return to Fremont county and teach near Sidney this fall.

- A "Thank You" for..."assistance at the death of our mother"....Signed by Mrs. L. A. Moomaw, Mrs. N. A. Fuller, T. W. Swatman, A. E. Swatman

- "Why don't some enterprising Sidneyite advocate electric lights: Sidney is no.....insignificant village"

- Charles Hein is home from Catopoxi, Colorado.--Anderson News

-Mrs. Salome Kamerer died at Imogene one day last week. She was seventy years of age, a mother of ten children, and a consistent member of the St. Paul Reformed church.

- A Demorest contest will take place at the Liberty church east of Farragut, August 4th.
- Grandma McIntire, living on Walnut creek has been stricken with paralysis
- J. A. Moody of Walnut township, has a zoological garden with a number of deer and other animals
- PARKER: George Parker of Monroe township wrote up his trip to Europe for the Shenandoah Post
- The Todd family of Tabor had a family reunion on Thursday of last week.
- Samuel Wilson of Lake Park, California, b. Feb. 6, 1810 in Taylor county, Virginia - d. July 5, 1895; he was an early settler in Fremont county, Iowa
- Wilson Mill on Walnut Creeek: The Epworth League of Farmer City are to hold a picnic at the old Wilson Mill on Walnut Creek

[transcribed by W.F., August 2007]

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