Iowa Old Press

Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa
August 4, 1892

Henderson-- At her residence in Walnut township, Fremont county, Iowa, on Sunday, July 24, 1892, of congestion of the liver, Martha, wife of Robert Henderson, and eldest daughter of Eph. and Elizabeth High, aged 43 years 5 months and 4 days. The deceased was a widow, her husband having been suffocated by gas in a hotel in Chicago, July 28, 1888, being there on business. She united with the Presbyterian church, about a year before her husband's death. After she became a widow she returned to Fremont county an soon after joined the M. E. church by letter. She leaves a little son 5 years old, a daughter 7 years of age, 4 step
children, an aged father and mother, 2 sisters, 3 brothers and a wide circle of friends to mourn her loss.
She was a most affectionate mother and cheerful and friendly towards all, endearing herself by her amiability and gentleness to all her family and friends. The funeral services took place from the residence Monday, Rev. A. E. Griffith, pastor of the Methodist church, Shenandoah, officiating. Her remains were laid to rest in the Chambers cemetery.

"By and by we will meet each other
As we never knew before
When the morn of life is breaking
When the shadows flee away.

"For we know she has crossed the river
Entered in the golden gate--
Hear the strains of angel music
Softly falling on the ear.

"When the misty veil that hides us
From our dear one gone before
Shall be drawn aside forever
And shall meet her face to face.

"For all her cares and sorrows
From the heart have rolled away
And her soul has risen in triumph
And the veil has rent in twain.

"When the grim death crossed our threshold
And our dear one passed away
And our hearts are torn with anguish
At the thought we must part
Heavenly voices whisper softly
She has gone home to rest."

[transcribed by W.F., May 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County