Iowa Old Press

February 2, 1888

Plum Hollow, Jan. 20, 1888. Editor, Herald.--The body of Nancy Jane Stewart a victim of the late blizzard arrived here late last night and a short but impressive service was conducted today by Elder George Weavers, at the home of William Hiatt, brother of the deceased, nine miles northwest of Sidney, after which the remains were viewed by many grief stricken and sympathizing relatives and friends. There was an expression of terror on the face of the dead, quite in keeping with the terrible circumstances attending her departure. But the bereaved have the consoling assurance that she had been prepared for the great change and her sprit has gone to that realm of bliss where no storm can ever come. She was the wife of Henry Stewart, a former resident of this county, but for the past four years they have lived in Holt county, Neb. On the day of her death, when the storm came up, Mr. S. was from home after a load of hay, and she had made several trips from the house to the barn, anxiously looking for her husband's return, and on one of these trips, lost her way and drifted with the storm. She was found the following day 80 rods from the house, by a barb wire fence. The blood along the line of fence indicated she had tried to make her way home by holding on to the wires. Her hand was extended Heavenward as if in prayer. Mr. Stewart took refuge behind a hay stack but was badly frozen and not able to accompany the corpse. It is hope he will recover. She leaves two children. The little daughter was alone in the house that terrible night, but the boy was kept at school all night by the teacher. Mrs. Stewart's remains were interred in the Sidney cemetery. The funeral will be preached some time when the family can be present. K. J. A.

[submitter: G.K. Aug. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Fremont County